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Auvinen, Juha Yrjö Stewart, Frances Väyrynen, Raimo Ojede, Andrew Kisangani, Emizet F. Nafziger, Wayne Powelson, John P. Rao, Rokkam Sudarsana Terrell, Dek Stein, Howard Grosh, Margaret Ellen Eicher, Carl K. All co-authors economic development entwicklung entwicklungsländer humanitarian emergencies inequality africa afrika entrepreneurship india political indien einkommensverteilung krieg kriegsfolgen wirtschaftswachstum entwicklungstheorie flüchtlinge refugees developing countries economics entwicklungspolitik
Composed terms economic development developing countries humanitarian emergencies development inequality entrepreneurship approach consequences of war income distribution economic growth development theory rent seeking iwf kredit imf lending sozialer konflikt social conflict debt management wirtschaftliche anpassung economic adjustment seers sen sen meaning meaning economic entrepreneurs india political economy inequality africa inequality humanitarian emergencies developing prevention humanitarian emergencies economic hunger displacement structural adjustment debt crisis crisis africa economics developing humanitäre hilfe humanitarian aid politischer konflikt political conflict development policy social structure civil war Ökonometrisches modell econometric model politische unruhen political unrest economic history central africa business start up development seers development software software entrepreneurs india information information technology technology sector sector innovators innovators adaptors adaptors imitators imitators political economy state state terror terror economic inequality seers development economic development development africa meiji meiji japan japan model model africa inequality conflict state violence analysis case case studies
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Estel Wayne Nafziger Prof. Alternative spellings: E. Wayne Nafziger E. Wayne Nafziger Estel Wayne Nafziger E. W. Nafziger B: 1939
Profession Economist
Affiliations Kansas State University
Publishing years Series WIDER working paper : WP (2) Contemporary studies in economic and financial analysis (2) Research papers / United Nations University, World Institute for Development Economics Research (1) SpringerLink / Bücher (1) Studies in development economics and policy series (1) Queen Elizabeth House series in development studies (1) Industrial development and social fabric : an international series of historical monographs (1) Research in progress / the United Nations University, World Institute for Development Economics Research (1) Special number in industrial economics (1) An East gate book (1) African society today (1) A Westview replica edition (1) An East-West Center Book (1) Hoover Institution Publication (1)