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Pereda, Paula Carvalho Christofoletti, Maria Alice Moz Duran, Ana Clara Ng, Shu Wen Levy, Renata Bertazzi Bortoletto, Ana Paula Claro, Rafael Moreira Steele, Euridice Martinez Verly, Eliseu Cafiero, Carlo Monteiro, Carlos Augusto All co-authors processed ultra foods food lebensmittel lebensmittelkonsum equity driven fiscal policies taxing products subsidizing minimally validating usage household acquisition surveys assess consumption evidence brazil wohlfahrtsanalyse steuerpolitik finanzpolitik nachfragesystem verteilungswirkung wirkungsanalyse schätzung estimation indicators brasilien ernährungssicherung konsumentenverhalten ernährungsindustrie ernährungsverhalten
Composed terms ultra processed processed foods ultra processed food food consumption equity driven driven fiscal fiscal policies policies taxing taxing ultra processed products products subsidizing subsidizing minimally minimally processed foods validating validating usage usage household household food food acquisition acquisition surveys surveys assess assess consumption consumption ultra foods evidence evidence brazil brazil demand system tax policies welfare analysis distributional effects tax policy fiscal policy distributional effect impact assessment privater konsum private consumption privater haushalt food security consumer behaviour food industry eating habit
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Maria Laura da Costa Louzada Alternative spellings: Maria Laura da Costa Louzada Maria Laura Da Costa Louzada M. L. C. Louzada
Affiliations Universidade de São Paulo