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Nickel, Stefan Waldmann, Karl-Heinz Rebennack, Steffen Grothe, Oliver Lampariello, Lorenzo Neumann, Christoph Ricci, Jacopo M. Sagratella, Simone Sudermann-Merx, Nathan Georg Kirst, Peter Steuermann, Paul Sudermann-Merx, Nathan López, Marco A. Ralph, Daniel Neralić, L. All co-authors operations research optimization optimierung chapter linear graphentheorie heuristik heuristics mmor best paper award transportation problem stability related data linearen spieltheorie lehrbuch proceedings selected papers annual international conference german society gor karlsruhe germany equilibrium selection multi portfolio noncooperative generalized nash games preface tot special issue advances continuous occasion europt deterministic upper bounds spatial branch bound methods global minimization nonconvex constraits smoothness properties optimal value functions boundary domain complete convexity solve semi infinite comments topics personal tour index new concept quadratic programs complementarity constraints regular parametric envelopment analysis stage stochastic optimisation model urban day delivery micro hubs computational bilevel faster algorithms steiner tree problems practice prescriptive analytics driven capacity management kernkonzepte erweiterungen anwendungen netzplantechnik ganzzahlige
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Oliver Stein Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: O. Stein B: 1967 Biblio: Leiter des Bereichs Kontinuierliche Optimierung am Institut für Operations Research (IOR); Promotion 1997 an der Universität Trier, Habilitation 2002 an der RWTH AachenPlace of Activity: Karlsruhe
Profession Wirtschaftsmathematiker Hochschullehrer
Affiliations Institut für Operations Research (Karlsruhe)
Publishing years Series Springer-Lehrbuch (2) Lecture Notes in Operations Research (1) Springer eBook Collection (1)