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All co-authors south global relations africa infrastructures countries infrastructure projects socio economic afrika bergbau transformations practice multiple meanings uses extraction brazilian mining company vale mozambique fostering environmental regulation corporate social responsibility weak regulatory capacities case boom early seen flurry investment african emerging markets while extent spur growth constantly debated studies addressed impact ground level political practices africa—or consequences transnational governance broadly lens book investigates developmental ideas processes techniques travelled emerged result led adapted transformed contested local actors shape business society challenged western dominated order contributors zoom large scale chinese indian funded ventures—dams ports roads mines—across including kenya drc frontier zones bringing politicians practitioners campaign groups communities offer unique insight workings contemporary world taking approach explores longer term significance implications pluralistic interactions continent infrastrukturinvestition brasilianisch indisch umweltmanagement
Composed terms south south africa global global infrastructures south relations global south socio economic süd süd beziehungen south south relations internationale wirtschaftsbeziehungen international economic relations multinationales unternehmen transnational corporation corporate social responsibility infrastructures south south transformations transformations practice practice multiple multiple meanings meanings uses uses south relations extraction extraction brazilian brazilian mining mining company company vale vale mozambique mozambique fostering fostering environmental environmental regulation regulation corporate corporate social social responsibility responsibility countries countries weak weak regulatory regulatory capacities capacities case case south south africa africa boom boom south relations early early seen seen flurry flurry investment investment african african infrastructure infrastructure emerging emerging markets markets global south while while extent extent projects projects spur spur growth growth constantly constantly debated debated studies studies addressed addressed impact impact ground ground level level political political socio economic practices practices africa—or consequences transnational broadly lens infrastructure book investigates developmental techniques travelled africa result south led projects adapted transformed contested local actors
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Jana Hönke Dr. Biblio: Since April 2016, Jana Hönke is a Rosalind Franklin Fellow in International Relations at the University of Groningen. - Seit 1. Oktober 2019 Professor of Sociology of Africa, Universität BayreuthPlace of Activity: Bayreuth
Profession Politologin
Affiliations Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Universität Bayreuth
Publishing years Series African arguments (1) SFB-Governance working paper series (1)