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Barreiro-Hurlé, Jesús Pérez Domínguez, Ignacio Fellmann, Thomas M'barek, Robert Ciaian, Pavel Ferrari, Emanuele Salputra, G. Witzke, P. Genovese, Giampiero Listorti, Giulia Tonini, Axel Witzke, Heinz Peter Perni, A. Jansson, Torbjörn Weiss, Franz Gocht, Alexander Bielza, Maria Terres, Jean-Michel Röder, Norbert Philippidis, George Ferrari, Emanuele Louhichi, K. Gorrín-González, Celso Gómez y Paloma, Sergio Chatzopoulos, Thomas Espinosa, Maria Dudu, H. Caivano, A. Boulanger, Pierre Perez-Dominguez, Ignacio Sahoo, Amarendra Hristov, Jordan Kushta, Jonilda Giannakis, Elias Boysen-Urban, Kirsten Boulanger, P. Salputra, Guna All co-authors economic agriculture
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Mihaly Himics Alternative spellings: M. Himics
Affiliations Europäische Kommission. Joint Research Centre Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. Institut für Lebensmittel- und Ressourcenökonomik
Publishing years Series JRC science for policy report (1)