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Hiller, Petra Ringel, Leopold Bakker, Frank G. A. de Martí, Ignasi Dorado, Silvia Wijk, Jakomijn van Slade Shantz, Angelique Toubiana, Madeline Castelló, Itziar Barberá-Tomás, David Kłosowska, Anna Voronov, Maxim Wang, Milo Shaoqing Kistruck, Geoffrey M. Thornton, Patricia H. Schneiberg, Marc Höllerer, Markus A. Bapuji, Hari Chrispal, Snehanjali Matten, Dirk Buchanan, Sean Smets, Michael Morris, Timothy Malhotra, Namrata Cruz, Luciano Barin Roberts, Anna All co-authors boundaries organizations organization organizational social emotions permeable institutionenökonomik organisationsforschung organisationstheorie organisationssoziologie new theoretical unternehmensnetzwerk systemtheorie fields institutional insights different research volume empirical logic change dynamics innovation issue emotion work
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Charlene Zietsma Dr.
Affiliations Penn State Smeal College of Business University of British Columbia
Publishing years Series Research in the sociology of organizations (2) Cambridge elements. Elements in organization theory, 2397-947X (1) Business & society (1)