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All co-authors care child evidence age goal market dimensions caregiver convenience car availability preferences programs pay who minding kids experimental low affordability kinderbetreuung demand despite documented benefits preschool children attend accordingly improving increasingly explicit government policy accomplishing requires thorough understanding factors influence decisions paper provides characteristics home based using randomized audit design study caregiving hourly price experience ownership while extremely sensitive cost strong particularly caregivers educational attainment furthermore obtain mixed results valuing owning finally significant heterogeneity according families youngest race ethnicity willingness findings lack informational resources identify nachfrage experiment parents education credible suggest problems driven inability afford unwillingness feldforschung eltern quality consistent notion problem explained undervaluation
Composed terms evidence demand demand child care quality quality child child care who minding minding kids kids experimental experimental evidence low quality care parents quality who despite documented documented benefits benefits quality care preschool preschool age age children children attend attend low quality programs programs accordingly accordingly improving improving quality care increasingly increasingly explicit explicit goal goal government government policy policy accomplishing accomplishing goal goal requires requires thorough thorough understanding understanding factors factors influence influence parents parents child care decisions decisions paper paper provides care characteristics characteristics market market home home based based care care using using randomized randomized audit audit design design study study dimensions dimensions caregiving caregiving affordability affordability hourly hourly price price child quality caregiver caregiver education education experience experience convenience convenience caregiver caregiver car car ownership ownership availability availability while while parents parents extremely extremely sensitive sensitive cost cost child care strong strong preferences preferences quality particularly caregivers caregivers educational educational attainment attainment furthermore furthermore obtain obtain mixed results convenience convenience dimensions valuing owning owning car pay despite pay educational achievement
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
James Gordon Biblio: PhD student in the Department of Public Administration and Policy, American University, Washington, DC, USA
Publishing years Series NBER Working Paper (1) NBER working paper series (1) Discussion paper series / IZA (1) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (1)