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theodor heussdeutschland bis 1945
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272 records from EconBiz based on author Name Information logo

1. Discount window stigma after the global financial crisis


We study Discount Window (DW) stigma, the reluctance to access the Federal Reserve's lender-of-last-resort facility, between 2014 and 2024. Despite increased usage since 2020, we find conclusive evidence that the DW is stigmatized, especially among smaller banks and when financial markets experience disruptions. In particular, evidence of DW stigma emerged months before the 2023 banking turmoil and had not subsided a year later. We also identify new determinants and consequences of DW stigma. The implications of these results for the provision of emergency liquidity are discussed.

Armantier, Olivier; Cipriani, Marco; Sarkar, Asani;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo Link Link Link

2. Investor attention to bank risk during the spring 2023 bank run


We examine how investors' perception of bank balance sheet risk evolved before and during the March-April 2023 bank run. To do so, we estimate the covariance ("beta") of bank excess stock returns with returns on factors constructed from long-short portfolios sorted on shares of uninsured deposits and unrealized losses on securities. We find that the market's perception of bank risk shifted in both the time series and the cross-section. From January 2022 to February 2023, both factor betas were mostly insignificant, but after the bank run started, they became positive and significant for all banks on average. However, in the cross-section, only the factor betas of banks put on downgrade watch on March 13 were significant, consistent with our finding that this announcement was informative. When additional banks were downgraded in April, their factor betas also became significant, even though we find the April announcements to be noninformative for these banks. We suggest that investors with limited attention focused on the banks included in the April announcements to update their priors on balance sheet risk

Fischl-Lanzoni, Natalia; Hiti, Martin; Kaplan, Nathan; Sarkar, Asani;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo Link Link Link

3. Nonstandard errors

Menkveld, Albert J.; Dreber, Anna; Holzmeister, Felix; Huber, Jürgen; Johannesson, Magnus; Kirchler, Michael; Neusüß, Sebastian; Razen, Michael; Weitzel, Utz; Abad-Díaz, David; Abudy, Menachem; Adrian, Tobias; Ait-Sahalia, Yacine; Akmansoy, Olivier; Alcock, Jamie T.; Alexeev, Vitali; Aloosh, Arash; Amato, Livia; Amaya, Diego; Angel, James J.; Avetikian, Alejandro T.; Bach, Amadeus; Baidoo, Edwin; Bakalli, Gaetan; Bao, Li; Barbon, Andrea; Bashchenko, Oksana; Bindra, Parampreet C.; Bjonnes, Geir H.; Black, Jeffrey R.; Black, Bernard S.; Bogoev, Dimitar; Correa, Santiago Bohorquez; Bondarenko, Oleg; Bos, Charles S.; Bosch-Rosa, Ciril; Bouri, Elie; Brownlees, Christian; Calamia, Anna; Cao, Viet Nga; Capelle-Blancard, Gunther; Capera Romero, Laura M.; Caporin, Massimiliano; Carrion, Allen; Caskurlu, Tolga; Chakrabarty, Bidisha; Chen, Jian; Chernov, Mikhail; Cheung, William; Chincarini, Ludwig B.; Chordia, Tarun; Chow, Sheung-Chi; Clapham, Benjamin; Colliard, Jean-Edouard; Comerton-Forde, Carole; Curran, Edward; Dao, Thong; Dare, Wale; Davies, Ryan J.; De Blasis, Riccardo; De Nard, Gianluca F.; Declerck, Fany; Deev, Oleg; Degryse, Hans; Deku, Solomon Y.; Desagre, Christophe; Dijk, Mathijs A. Van; Dim, Chukwuma; Dimpfl, Thomas; Dong, Yun Jiang; Drumond, Philip A.; Dudda, Tom; Duevski, Teodor; Dumitrescu, Ariadna; Dyakov, Teodor; Dyhrberg, Anne Haubo; Dzielinski, Michal; Eksi, Asli; El Kalak, Izidin; Ellen, Saskia; Eugster, Nicolas; Evans, Martin D. D.; Farrell, Michael; Felez-Vinas, Ester; Ferrara, Gerardo; Ferrouhi, El Mehdi; Flori, Andrea; Fluharty-Jaidee, Jonathan T.; Foley, Sean D.; Fong, Kingsley Y.; Foucault, Thierry; Franus, Tatiana; Franzoni, Francesco; Frijns, Bart; Frömmel, Michael; Fu, Servanna M.; Füllbrunn, Sascha C.; Gan, Aoqing; Gao, Ge; Gehrig, Thomas P.; Gemayel, Roland; Gerritsen, Dirk; Gil-Bazo, Javier; Gilder, Dudley; Glosten, Lawrence R.; Gomez, Thomas; Gorbenko, Arseny; Grammig, Joachim; Grégoire, Vincent; Gücbilmez, Ufuk; Hagströmer, Björn; Hambuckers, Julien; Hapnes, Erik; Harris, Jeffrey H.; Harris, Lawrence; Hartmann, Simon; Hasse, Jean-Baptiste; Hautsch, Nikolaus; He, Xue-Zhong; Heath, Davidson; Hediger, Simon; Hendershott, Terrence; Hibbert, Ann Marie; Hjalmarsson, Erik; Hoelscher, Seth A.; Hoffmann, Peter; Holden, Craig W.; Horenstein, Alex R.; Huang, Wenqian; Huang, Da; Hurlin, Christophe; Ilczuk, Konrad; Ivashchenko, Alexey; Iyer, Subramanian R.; Jahanshahloo, Hossein; Jalkh, Naji; Jones, Charles M.; Jurkatis, Simon; Jylhä, Petri; Kaeck, Andreas T.; Kaiser, Gabriel; Karam, Arzé; Karmaziene, Egle; Kassner, Bernhard; Kaustia, Markku; Kazak, Ekaterina; Kearney, Fearghal; Kervel, Vincent Van; Khan, Saad A.; Khomyn, Marta K.; Klein, Tony; Klein, Olga; Klos, Alexander; Koetter, Michael; Kolokolov, Aleksey; Korajczyk, Robert A.; Kozhan, Roman; Krahnen, Jan P.; Kuhle, Paul; Kwan, Amy; Lajaunie, Quentin; Lam, F. Y. Eric C.; Lambert, Marie; Langlois, Hugues; Lausen, Jens; Lauter, Tobias; Leippold, Markus; Levin, Vladimir; Li, Yijie; Li, Hui; Liew, Chee Yoong; Lindner, Thomas; Linton, Oliver; Liu, Jiacheng; Liu, Anqi; Llorente, Guillermo; Lof, Matthijs; Lohr, Ariel; Longstaff, Francis; Lopez-Lira, Alejandro; Mankad, Shawn; Mano, Nicola; Marchal, Alexis; Martineau, Charles; Mazzola, Francesco; Meloso, Debrah; Mi, Miachel G.; Mihet, Roxana; Mohan, Vijay; Moinas, Sophie; Moore, David; Mu, Liangyi; Muravyev, Dmitriy; Murphy, Dermot; Ness, Robert A. Van; Neszveda, Gabor; Neumeier, Christian; Nielsson, Ulf; Nimalendran, Mahendrarajah; Nolte, Sven; Norden, Lars L.; O´Neill, Peter; Obaid, Khaled; Odegaard, Bernt A.; Östberg, Per; Pagnotta, Emiliano; Painter, Marcus; Palan, Stefan; Palit, Imon J.; Park, Andreas; Pascual, Roberto; Pasquariello, Paolo; Pastor, Lubos; Patel, Vinay; Patton, Andrew J.; Pearson, Neil D.; Pelizzon, Loriana; Pelli, Michele; Pelster, Matthias; Pérignon, Christophe; Pfiffer, Cameron; Philip, Richard; Plihal, Tomas; Prakash, Puneet; Press, Oliver-Alexander; Prodromou, Tina; Prokopczuk, Marcel; Putnins, Talis; Qian, Ya; Raizada, Gaurav; Rakowski, David; Ranaldo, Angelo; Regis, Luca; Reitz, Stefan; Ranault, Thomas; Renjie, Rex W.; Reno, Roberto; Riddiough, Steven J.; Rinne, Kalle; Rintamäki, Paul; Riordan, Ryan; Rittmannsberger, Thomas; Rodriguez Longarela, Inaki; Roesch, Dominik; Rognone, Lavinia; Roseman, Brian; Rosu, Ioanid; Roy, Saurabh; Rudolf, Nicolas; Rush, Stephen R.; Rzayev, Khaladdin; Rzeznik, Aleksandra A.; Sanford, Anthony; Sankaran, Harikumar; Sarkar, Asani; Sarno, Lucio; Scaillet, Olivier; Scharnowski, Stefan; Schenk-Hoppe, Klaus R.; Schertler, Andrea; Schneider, Michael; Schroeder, Florian; Schürhoff, Norman; Schuster, Philipp; Schwarz, Marco A.; Seasholes, Mark S.; Seeger, Norman J.; Shachar, Or; Shkilko, Andriy; Shui, Jessica; Sikic, Mario; Simion, Giorgia; Smales, Lee A.; Söderlind, Paul; Sojli, Elvira; Sokolov, Konstantin; Sönksen, Jantje; Spokeviciute, Laima; Stefanova, Denitsa; Subrahmanyam, Marti G.; Szaszi, Barnabas; Talavera, Oleksandr; Tang, Yuehua; Taylor, Nick; Tham, Wing Wah; Theissen, Erik; Thimme, Julian; Tonks, Ian; Tran, Hai; Trapin, Luca; Trolle, Anders B.; Vaduva, M. Andreea; Valente, Giorgio; Van Ness, Robert A.; Vasquez, Aurelio; Verousis, Thanos; Verwijmeren, Patrick; Vilhelmsson, Anders; Vilkov, Grigory; Vladimirov, Vladimir; Vogel, Sebastian; Voigt, Stefan; Wagner, Wolf; Walther, Thomas; Weiss, Patrick; Wel, Michel Van der; Werner, Ingrid M.; Westerholm, P. Joakim; Westheide, Christian; Wika, Hans C,; Wipplinger, Evert; Wolf, Michael; Wolff, Christian C. P.; Wolk, Leonard; Wong, Wing-Keung; Wrampelmeyer, Jan; Wu, Zhen-Xing; Xia, Shuo; Xiu, Dacheng; Xu, Ke; Xu, Caihong; Yadav, Pradeep K.; Yagüe, José; Yan, Cheng; Yang, Antti; Yoo, Woongsun; Yu, Wenjia; Yu, Yihe; Yu, Shihao; Yueshen, Bart Z.; Yuferova, Darya; Zamojski, Marcin; Zareei, Abalfazl; Zeisberger, Stefan M.; Zhang, Lu; Zhang, S. Sarah; Zhang, Xiaoyu; Zhao, Lu; Zhong, Zhuo; Zhou, Z. Ivy; Zhou, Chen; Zhu, Xingyu S.; Zoican, Marius; Zwinkels, Remco;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link Link

4. Applications or approvals : what drives racial disparities in the Paycheck Protection Program?


We use the 2020 Small Business Credit Survey to study the sources of racial disparities in use of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Black-owned firms are 8.9 percentage points less likely than observably similar white-owned firms to receive PPP loans. About 55 percent of this take-up disparity is attributable to a disparity in application propensity, while the remainder is attributable to a disparity in approval rates. The finding in prior research that Black-owned PPP recipients are less likely than whiteowned recipients to borrow from banks and more likely to borrow from fintech lenders is driven entirely by application behavior. Conditional on applying for a PPP loan, Black-owned firms are 9.9 percentage points less likely than white-owned firms to apply to banks and 7.8 percentage points more likely to apply to fintechs. However, they face similar average approval disparities at banks (7.4 percentage points) and fintechs (8.4 percentage points). Sorting by Black-owned firms away from banks and towards fintechs is significantly stronger in more racially biased counties, and the bank approval disparity is also larger in more racially biased counties. We conclude that insofar as automation by fintechs reduces racial disparities in PPP take-up, it does so by mitigating disparities in loan application rates, not loan approval rates.

Chernenko, Sergey; Kaplan, Nathan; Sarkar, Asani; Scharfstein, David;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo Link Link

5. The term asset-backed securities loan facility

Caviness, Elizabeth; Sarkar, Asani; Goyal, Ankur; Park, Woojung;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: The PDF logo

6. Investor attention to bank risk during the spring 2023 bank run

Fischl-Lanzoni, Natalia; Hiti, Martin; Kaplan, Nathan; Sarkar, Asani;
Type: Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo Link

7. Discount window stigma after the global financial crisis

Armantier, Olivier; Cipriani, Marco; Sarkar, Asani;
Type: Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo Link

8. The Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility


The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the asset-backed securities (ABS) market, resulting in higher spreads on ABS and briefly halting the issuance of some ABS. On March 23, 2020, the Federal Reserve established the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF) to support the flow of credit to consumers and businesses by re-enabling the issuance of ABS. In this paper, we describe how TALF works, how much it was used, and its effect on the issuance and spreads of TALF-eligible securities relative to those of TALF-ineligible securities. We find that both the introduction of TALF and its subsequent expansion were associated with statistically significant declines in the spreads of TALF-eligible relative to TALF-ineligible ABS. However, the facility did not have a statistically significant effect on issuance. Finally, we compare TALF with an earlier version of the facility that was implemented during the global financial crisis and discuss lessons learned from implementing the program.

Caviness, Elizabeth; Sarkar, Asani; Goyal, Ankur; Park, Woojung;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo Link Link

9. Dealers and the dealer of last resort : evidence from MBS markets in the COVID-19 crisis


We examine the economic mechanisms that limited arbitrage between the cash and forward markets of agency MBS, and whether asset purchases of the Federal Reserve (Fed) alleviated price dislocations. We find that the cash-forward basis, or the price difference between the cash and forward markets of agency MBS controlling for differences in fundamentals, widened significantly-by $0.9 per $100 face value during the height of the COVID-19 crisis. The widening basis was accompanied by a significant increase in selling by customers in the cash market, indicating a "scramble for cash" following the liquidity shock. Dealers provided liquidity by increasing both their long cash and short forward positions significantly, but the basis continued to widen, implying that balance sheet costs constrained dealers' inventories. We estimate dealers' average costs of holding inventory for five weeks as about $0.8. We also find that primary dealers affiliated with banks subject to Basel III liquidity regulations increased their positions more than others. The basis narrowed by about $0.7 following the Fed's MBS purchases in the forward market. We attribute this effect to the faster settlement schedules of the Fed's purchases, compared to the market convention, which allowed a faster deployment of capital. Overall, our results show that the combined liquidity constraints of investors and dealers led to severe price dislocations, and the Fed, in its role as the "dealer of last resort," absorbed the liquidity demand that dealers lacked the capacity to meet.

Chen, Jiakai; Liu, Haoyang; Sarkar, Asani; Song, Zhaogang;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo Link Link

10. Applications or approvals: What drives racial disparities in the Paycheck Protection Program?

Chernenko, Sergey; Kaplan, Nathan; Sarkar, Asani; Scharfstein, David;
Type: Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo

The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata

Theodor Heuss

Prof., Dr. rer. pol.

Alternative spellings:
Te ao duo er Hao si
Teaoduoer Haosi
Theodor Heuß
Theodor Heusz
Th. Heuss
Теодор Хойс
特奥多尔 豪斯

B: 31. Januar 1884 Brackenheim
D: 12. Dezember 1963
Biblio: Mitglied des Reichstages Mai 1924-07.07.1933; Bundespräsident 12.09.1949-08.09.1959; Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages 07.09.1949-15.09.1949; 1. WP. Träger des Friedenspreises des Deutschen Buchhandels. Träger des Bundesverdienstkreuzes (Sonderstufe des Großkreuzes)Träger des Ordens vom Goldenen SpornTräger des Groß-Sterns des Ehrenzeichens für Verdienste um die Republik ÖsterreichTräger des Verdienstordens der Italienischen Republik (Großkreuz mit Ordenskette)Träger des Nationalen Ordens vom Kreuz des Südens (Großkreuz mit Ordenskette). Träger des Falkenordens (Collane). Ehrensenator der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. Ehrendoktor der Freien Universität Berlin. Ehrendoktor der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen. Ehrendoktor der Universität Laval. Ehrenbürger von Berlin. Ehrenbürger von Bonn. Ehrenbürger von Brackenheim. Ehrenbürger von Darmstadt. Ehrenbürger von Düsseldorf. Ehrenbürger von Frankfurt am Main. Ehrenbürger von Heilbronn. Ehrenbürger von Kiel. Ehrenbürger von Köln. Ehrenbürger von Recklinghausen. Ehrenbürger von Stuttgart. Ehrenbürger von Trier. Ehrenmitglied der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Place of Activity: München
Death Place:
The image of the author or topic
Source: Wikimedia Commons

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Theodor Heuss (German: [ˈteːodoːɐ̯ ˈhɔʏs]; 31 January 1884 – 12 December 1963) was a German liberal politician who served as the first president of West Germany from 1949 to 1959. His cordial nature – something of a contrast to the stern character of chancellor Konrad Adenauer – largely contributed to the stabilization of democracy in West Germany during the Wirtschaftswunder years. Before beginning his career as a politician, Heuss had been a political journalist. (Source: DBPedia)


  • Politiker
  • Schriftsteller
  • Historiker
  • Journalist
  • Publizist
  • Bundespräsident
  • Affiliations

  • Freie Demokratische Partei
  • Deutschland. Bundespräsident (Bundesrepublik)
  • Freie Demokratische Partei
  • Bayerische Akademie der Schönen Künste
  • Nationalsozialer Verein
  • Deutscher Werkbund
  • Reichsschrifttumskammer
  • Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold, Bund Deutscher Kriegsteilnehmer und Republikaner
  • External links

  • Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
  • International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI)
  • Filmportal
  • JudaicaLink
  • Wikipedia (Deutsch)
  • Wikipedia (English)
  • Frankfurter Personenlexikon
  • Kalliope Verbundkatalog
  • Archivportal-D
  • Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB)
  • Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek
  • Hessische Biografie
  • NACO Authority File
  • Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
  • Wikidata
  • International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI)

  • Publishing years



    1. Politeia : Bonner Universitätsreden zu öffentlichen Fragen (2)
    2. Schriftenreihe der Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände (2)
    3. Veröffentlichung des Theodor Heuss Archivs (2)
    4. Der Deutsche Volksstaat : Schriften zur inneren Politik (1)
    5. Staat und Wirtschaft (1)
    6. Veröffentlichung der Freien Universität Berlin (1)
    7. Meyer's Wörterbücher (1)
    8. Schriften der Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen (1)
    9. Die Bücher der Neunzehn (1)
    10. Furche-Bücherei (1)
    11. CES-Bücherei (1)
    12. Geistiges Europa (1)
    13. Heyne-Bücher / 12, Heyne-Biographien ; 14 (1)
    14. Schriftenreihe der Bundeszentrale für Heimatdienst (1)
    15. Kindlers klassische Bildbiographien (1)
    16. Die Brunnenbücherei (1)
    17. Forschung und Wirtschaft, Partner im Fortschritt (1)
    18. SM-Bücher (1)
    19. Schriftenreihe der Harkort-Gesellschaft e.V. Hagen (1)
    20. Veröffentlichung des Theodor-Heuss-Archivs (1)
    21. Der Deutsche Krieg : politische Flugschriften (1)
    22. Quaderni di cultura attualità e documentazione della rassegna ʺCollaborazione mediterraneaʺ, Quaderno (1)