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Wuckel, Christiane Kolodziej, Ingo Augurzky, Boris Mensen, Anne Herr, Annika Korfhage, Thorben Chandler, Vincent Hollenbach, Johannes Bergschneider, Henrik Werbeck, Anna Skogstad, Karl Mennicken, Roman Lemm, Michaela Wübker, Ansgar Stroka, Magdalena A. Rappen, Hermann Craig, Andrea N. Börnhorst, Claudia Lückemann, Maximilian Bergmann, Lea Guthmuller, Sophie Hollenbach, Johannes Compton, Ryan A. Tycher, Leonie Reichert, Arndt R. Krolop, Sebastian All co-authors care nursing caregiving caregivers countries quality effect life effects term using long data home differences results health time paper homes informal gesundheit childhood needs levels european staffing holidays age different elderly services pflegeheim pflegeberufe objective physical shortages europe outcomes better survey cognitive ability europa familienpflege bed personnel work increasing evidence canada regions individuals increase panel consequences provide labour population poor retirement pflege financial situation spent short measures employed while people stay need average women share probability whether estimates valuable persons force ltc allows formal dienstleistungsqualität pflegeversicherung
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Dörte Heger Ph.D. (Economics) Biblio: Leibniz ScienceCampus Ruhr ; RWI, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Kompetenzbereich „Gesundheit"Place of Activity: Essen
Profession Volkswirtin
Affiliations Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung
Publishing years Series Ruhr economic papers (13) Pflegeheim-Rating-Report ... (3) RWI impact notes (2) RWI Projektbericht (2) Netspar Discussion Paper (1) Ruhr Economic Paper (1)