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Somville, Vincent Somanathan, Rohini Almås, Ingvild Bjorvatn, Kjetil Ferris, Denise Gulesci, Selim Nasgowitz, Arne Baland, Jean-Marie Couttenier, Mathieu Mehrotra, Rahul Cassan, Guilhem Subramanian, S. Moene, Karl Ove Kjelsrud, Anders Laurent-Lucchetti, Jérémy Ray, Debraj Boland, Jean-Marie All co-authors india indien evidence access banking transfers social effect account income unrest rural experimental political experiment savings smoothing gender targeted competition household sparen development women socially disadvantaged groups microfinance average bank smooth randomly provides weekly control treated saving low geschlecht frauen diskriminierung discrimination mikrofinanzierung consumption effects uganda infant increasing public probability observing village increases measure data using increase poor households save field finances expenditures pro cyclical results important new insight role middle countries higher recipients world targeting shifting
Composed terms access banking rural india experimental evidence privater konsum private consumption consumption smoothing targeted transfers evidence india banking savings savings consumption smoothing rural effect gender gender targeted transfers experimental india socially socially disadvantaged disadvantaged groups groups microfinance microfinance india bank account smooth consumption ländlicher raum rural area indien nord northern india soziale schicht social class 1998 2008 india access evidence uganda india effect probability observing observing social unrest village field experiment experiment randomly randomly provides provides access access bank treated households pro cyclical cyclical saving saving account important new new insight insight role role banking banking low low middle middle income income countries consumption shifting financial diaries control households income distribution gender inequality gender discrimination inequality social social unrest unrest india india long long term term effects effects preschool preschool subsidies subsidies cash cash transfers transfers child child development development evidence uganda access india india lockdown effect india political political competition labor supply unrest rural data using
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Lore Vandewalle
Affiliations Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement
Publishing years Series Working paper / Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (3) Discussion papers / CEPR (2) Policy insight (1) Discussion paper / NHH, Department of Economics (1) NHH Dept. of Economics Discussion Paper (1) Working paper / Centre for Development Economics, Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics (1) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (1)