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GND: 119065606

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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata

Ivan Michajlov

Alternative spellings:
Ivan Mihajlov
Iwan Michajlow Gawrilow
Iwan Michajlow
Vančo Michajlov
Ivan M. Gavrilov
Ivan Mikhailov
Vanche Mikhailov
Vančo Mihajlov
Ivan Mihajlov
Ivan Mihailoff
Iwan Mihailoff
Ivan Mihailof
Vanče Michajlov
Vanche Mikhailov
Ivan Mihaylov
Иван Михайлов
Ванче Михайлов
Ванчо Михайлов

B: XX.XX.1896
D: 5. September 1990
Biblio: Makedon. Freiheitskämpfer, Revolutionär
Death Place:
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  • Revolutionär
  • Widerstandskämpfer
  • Affiliations

  • Innere Makedonische Revolutionäre Organisation
  • External links

  • Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
  • Wikipedia (Deutsch)
  • Wikipedia (English)
  • NACO Authority File
  • Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
  • Wikidata
  • International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI)

  • Ivan Mihailov Gavrilov (Bulgarian: Иван Михайлов Гаврилов; Macedonian: Ванчо Михајлов Гаврилов; 26 August 1896 – 5 September 1990), sometimes Vancho Mihailov, was a Bulgarian revolutionary in interwar Macedonia, and the last leader of the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (IMRO). Under Mihailov, the IMRO became notoriously anti-communist and identified itself closely with Bulgarian nationalism, thus eliminating not only the enemies of theBulgarian national idea in Macedonia but also its left-wing opponents within the Macedonian liberation movement. He cooperated also actively with revanchist powers, such as Mussolini's Fascist Italy, Admiral Horthy's Hungary and Hitler's Nazi Germany. IMRO then had de facto full control of Bulgarian part of Macedonia, which it used as a base for hit and run attacks against Yugoslavia and Greece. Mihailov began a change in IMRO's goal, from annexing Macedonia to Bulgaria, to an independent Macedonia, as a second Bulgarian state. He changed also the organization's tactics from guerrilla campaigns to individual terrorist acts. Numerous terrorist attacks were carried out by IMRO against Yugoslav officials under his leadership, the most spectacular of which was the assassination of Alexander I of Yugoslavia, in collaboration with Croatian Ustaše. During the last stage of the Second World War he tried to realize the IMRO's plan to create an Independent Macedonia. However Mihailov rejected then its realization, due to the lack of real German military support, along with his reluctance to take a course that would lead to a civil war. During the Cold war Mihailov lived in Italy, while the emigrant Macedonian Patriotic Organisation in the USA and Canada, worked under his guidance, on the old IMRO's goal of an independent Macedonia. This was acknowledged by a CIA analyst report from 1953, which dubbed the MPO as "the US branch of the IMRO", and asserted that it acted as a money raising organ to support Mihailov's activity. At the beginning of the fall of communism and the breakup of Yugoslavia, only a months before his death in 1990, he kept insisting: "I am Bulgarian from Macedonia" and "I would recommend to the young people in Macedonia to hold on to the fact that we have been Bulgarians for thousand years." Thus, rejecting the 20th century Macedonian national separatism, based especially on the Yugoslav communist partisans' activity during WWII, and on Bulgarophobia, Mihailov was considered bulgarophile traitor and fascist in Communist Yugoslavia. He is still regarded as such in what is today North Macedonia, because Yugoslav communism and Macedonian nationalism are closely related. He was regarded as an Axis collaborator in Communist Bulgaria, but has been rehabilitated later, supporting its narrative that negates the existence of a widespread Macedonian national identity before the end of World War II. Mihailov is the author of 4 volumes of Memoirs and a number of articles and pamphlets such as "Macedonia - Switzerland in the Balkans", "Stalin and the Macedonian Question", as well as other materials describing the Macedonian struggle for freedom. (Source: DBPedia)

    Publishing years

