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Vollmer, Sebastian Beber, Bernd Klasen, Stephan Frohnweiler, Sarah Heesemann, Esther Luise Steinert, Janina Sievert, Maximiliane Frohnweiler, Sarah Kohli, Veerangna Seybold, Dorothee Rosadio Cayllahua, Karen Micaela Ihring, Stephanie Kumar, Abhijeet Flörchinger, Daniela Subramanyam, Malavika A. Subramanian, S. V. Bommer, Christian Bogler, Lisa Kneib, Thomas All co-authors migration measure information effects interventions asylum missing flow development benefits migrate intentions early differentials mortality intent belief updating income results individuals where participants help services data stock mental randomized india skills study effect suggest environments indien geschlecht women policy experiment nutrition specific children gender significantly findings regional preferences female frauen kinder germany frictions trial impact birth sex requests helplines higher irregular subjects
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Cara Ebert Dr. rer. pol. Alternative spellings: Cara Luisa Ebert B: 1989 Herford
Profession Volkswirtin
Affiliations Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Publishing years Series Ruhr economic papers (8) Discussion paper series / IZA (4) Discussion papers / Courant Research Centre "Poverty, Equity and Growth in Developing and Transition Countries: Statistical Methods and Empirical Analysis" (4) IZA Discussion Paper (1) I4R discussion paper series (1) [RWI Projektberichte] (1)