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Closa, Carlos Innerarity, Daniel Maduro, Miguel Poiares Champeau, Serge Bengoetxea, Joxerramon Borrell Fontelles, Josep Delanty, Gerard Eriksen, Erik Oddvar Fabbrini, Sergio Joerges, Christian Marder, Michael Pérez de las Heras, Beatriz Preunkert, Jenny Wiener, Antje Mair, Peter Krok-Paszkowska, Ania All co-authors europe european union enlarged enlargement east eastern governance diversity adaptation gesellschaftlichen selbstverteidigung polen identity dieter hans making central welfare osteuropa erweiterung myopic future democracy legitimacy justice euro crisis plurilateral big empirical data candidates perceptions west trade way circle bewegung kss kor ideelle grundlagen introduction zielonka mair fuchs klingemann culture national integration david laitin discomforts victory liberal values nationalism post communist vladimir tismaneanu institutions impact darina malova tim haughton markets diverging convergence laszlo bruszt health wealth enlarging emu daniel gros state transition economies accession wagener approaching reaching rival narratives transforming regimes jános mátyás kovács finanzkrise politik politics volkswirtschaft economy verfassung constitution demokratie finanzpolitik wirtschaftskrise nationalkultur mobilität mobility wirtschaftspolitik anpassung differenz aufsatzsammlung sozialpolitik außenpolitik meinungsforschung
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Jan Zielonka Alternative spellings: J. Zielonka B: 1955 Biblio: Prof. für polit. Wiss. am Europ. Univ. Inst., Florenz; Professor of European Politics at the University of Oxford Source:
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Profession Politologe
Affiliations St Antony's College
Publishing years Series Future perfect / Images of the time to come in philosophy, politics and cultural studies (1) EUI working paper / RSC (1)