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Caiden, Naomi J. Seabury, Paul Friedland, Edward Levy, Frank Polsby, Nelson W. Heclo, Hugh Pressman, Jeffrey L. White, Joseph B. Webber, Carolyn Heclo, Hugh Swedlow, Brendon Meltsner, Arnold J. TENENBAUM, ELLEN Nienaber, Jeanne Meltsner, Arnold J. Caiden, Naomi ALBIN, PAT Douglas, Mary Tenenbaum, Ellen Abellera, James W. Boskin, Michael J. Thompson, Michael Webber, Carolyn Nichols, Elizabeth Coyle, Dennis J. Clark, John Ellis, Richard Thompson, Michael Zapico Goñi, Eduardo Chai, Sun-Ki Pressman, Jeffrey L. All co-authors politics budgeting budgetary public process expenditure haushaltsplanung policy american finanzhaushalt new economic haushaltsaufstellung finanzpolitik safety power poor great dangers federal oil money wirtschaftspolitik culture union cultural work western people schools countries implementation expectations washington dashed private community inside british programs risks finanzwirtschaft entwicklungsländer außenpolitik energiepolitik controlling limitation governing environmental national monetary explanation economics deficit searching versus times history taxation world growth oakland risk mistrust estimating gas resources aaron wildavsky spending dixon yates study urban outcomes streets libraries decline foreign amazing comparative processes planning know decide ignore haushaltsplan aufsatzsammlung kulturtheorie fiskalpolitik haushaltskonsolidierung sicherheit risiko risikomanagement steuer geschichte arbeitsmarktpolitik mineralölmarkt finanzhaushaltsausgaben privatisierung privatization social true citizen guide health issues norms rescue self macro joined micro
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Aaron B. Wildavsky Alternative spellings: Aaron Wildavsky Aaron Bernard Wildavsky B: XX.XX.1930 Brooklyn, NY D: 4. September 1993Biblio: Amerikan. Kultur- u. Sozialwiss.; Dean of the Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of California, berkley, author of numerous works on public policyDeath Place:
Profession Kulturwissenschaftler Soziologe
Publishing years Series Studies in social philosophy & [and] policy (1) Studies in social philosophy & policy (1) Oakland Project series (1) Managing information (1) Managing information : a ser. of books in organization studies and decision-making (1) Rand McNally Political Science Series (1) Oakland project series (1) Comparative studies in behavioral science (1) Yale studies in political science (1) Publications in the Oakland Project series (1)