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GND: 120601001

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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata

Robert Grainger Ker Thompson

Alternative spellings:
Robert G. K. Thompson
Robert Thompson
Robert Grainger Ker Thompson
Robert Grainger Ker, Sir Thompson

B: 1916
D: 1992
Biblio: Britischer Counterinsurgency-Experte und inoffizieller Berater von Präsident Nixon


  • Offizier
  • External links

  • Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
  • Bibliothèque nationale de France
  • Wikipedia (English)
  • NACO Authority File
  • Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
  • Wikidata
  • International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI)

  • Sir Robert Grainger Ker Thompson KBE CMG DSO MC (1916–1992) was a British military officer and counter-insurgency expert who "was widely regarded on both sides of the Atlantic as the world's leading expert on countering the Mao Tse-tung technique of rural guerrilla insurgency". His 1966 book Defeating Communist Insurgency played an important role in popularizing the "hearts and minds" approach to counterinsurgency. (Source: DBPedia)

    Publishing years



    1. Internationale Reihe (1)