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Aker, Jenny C. Deshpande, Ashwini Macchiavello, Rocco Lybbert, Travis J. Desrochers, Alain Shonchoy, Abu S. Morjaria, Ameet Morjaria, Ameet Maertens, Annemie Varghese, Vinitha Smalley, Susan L. Rasmussen, Ole Dahl Lilleør, Helene Bie Bie Lilleor, Helene Lønborg, Jonas Helth Clemens, Michael A. Kelley, Erin M. Perez-Mendoza, Karla C. Miller, Danielle Smalley, Sue Perez-Mendoza, Karla Magruder, Jeremy R. Maertens, Annemie Gupta, Sweta Johnston, Jamie Miller, Danielle C All co-authors evidence program mobile adult erwachsenenbildung niger impact phone mobilkommunikation india based experiment teachers randomized using indien kenya kenia women analphabetismus illiteracy mobiltelefon electoral supply industry numeracy effects phones export villages
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Christopher Ksoll Alternative spellings: C. Ksoll
Affiliations Université de Sherbrooke Natural Resources Institute (Kent) University of Greenwich Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. (Washington, DC)
Publishing years Series Working paper / Centre for Development Economics, Department of Economics, Delhi School of Economics (2) Center for Global Development Working Paper (2) Working paper / Center for Global Development (2) NBER working paper series (1) IDE discussion papers (1) CSAE working paper / Centre for the Study of African Economies (1) BREAD working paper (1) Department of Economics discussion paper series / University of Oxford (1) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (1)