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Kuhn, Moritz Schularick, Moritz Seitz, Sebastian Siegloch, Sebastian Slotwinski, Michaela Wehrhöfer, Nils Wachtel, Paul Steins, Ulrike I. Andersen, Henrik Yde Krause, Thomas Kuchler, Andreas Steins, Ulrike Isabel Steins, Ulrike All co-authors monetary policy households social capital effects covid income black debt racial white accommodative spread financial role einkommensverteilung vermögensverteilung countries employment time mid increase vergleich comparison insights european fragility pandemic austria italy netherlands sweden coronavirus infektionskrankheit sozialkapital morbidität morbidity Österreich italien niederlande schweden paper cases areas middle class geldpolitik covid 19 europe inequality household way important distribution housing aims improved understanding relationship investigate distributional unified framework linking shocks earnings differentials specifically increases overall small shock exacerbates difference assets appreciate value multi year horizons substantially smaller countervailing portfolio conclude little reason think plays significant reducing inequities discussed contrary accentuate inequalities extended periods explore recent independent analyses germany switzerland exploit country variation accumulated fewer capita march using case study exhibit lower excess mortality mobility local
Composed terms income distribution wealth distribution social capital white households accommodative monetary monetary policy capital spread policy racial black white black households spread covid covid insights insights european european countries infectious disease covid cases capital areas middle class ethnische diskriminierung ethnic discrimination collective action health costs household debt racial inequality private verschuldung private debt privater haushalt schwarze menschen black people inequality monetary financial fragility income inequality paper aims aims improved improved understanding understanding relationship relationship monetary inequality investigate investigate distributional distributional effects effects monetary policy unified unified framework framework linking linking monetary policy shocks shocks earnings earnings wealth wealth differentials differentials black households specifically specifically accommodative policy increases increases employment employment black households white households overall overall effects effects small small time policy shock shock exacerbates exacerbates wealth wealth difference difference black households financial financial assets assets appreciate value multi multi year year time time horizons horizons employment effects substantially portfolio effects conclude little little reason think accommodative policy plays plays significant racial inequities role social mid march way life data set
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Alina Kristin Bartscher Alternative spellings: Alina Bartscher
Profession Economist
Affiliations Danmarks Nationalbank Bonn Graduate School of Economics
Publishing years Series Discussion papers / CEPR (4) ECONtribute discussion paper (3) Staff reports / Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2) CESifo working papers (2) Economic memo (1) LawFin working paper (1) Discussion paper (1) Discussion paper series / IZA (1)