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Oberpriller, Quirin Bünger, Björn Christian Krapp, Mario Knaus, Maria Hare, William Granadillos, Jessie Ruth G. Baarsch, Florent Andrijevic, Marina Wouterse, Fleur Matthey, Astrid Peter, Martin Schwarze, Reimund Schleussner, Carl-Friedrich Gidden, Matthew Schleypen, Jessica Aboumahboub, Tina Zimmer, Anne Karina All co-authors climate costs cost damage mitigation guidance different modelling frameworks impact africa report provides framework derive policy models discusses klimawandel afrika analysis political use microeconomics adaptation evidence smallholders ethiopia niger change incomes convergence comprehensive overview perspective respectively policymakers shall used objectives study describes landscape available methods analyses role influencing factors separates categories scenarios normative choices structural elements identifies main sources uncertainties range literature values limitations interpreting model results — making assumptions approaches transparent finally practical steps process price targeted specific question internalisation external calls applying while identifying necessary effort complying agreed temperature limit requires example umweltkosten klimakosten monetarisierung treibhausgase schadenskosten vermeidungskosten klimaschutz umweltbelastung pollution Äthiopien kleinbauern regressionsanalyse macroeconomics inequality einkommensverteilung
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Michiel Schaeffer Biblio: Global Center on Adaptation, c/o Energy Academy Europe, Groningen, The Netherlands
Affiliations Climate Analytics