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Simon, Kosali Ilayperuma Gupta, Sumedha Wing, Coady Weinberg, Bruce A. Montenovo, Laura Lozano-Rojas, Felipe Schmutte, Ian M. Hollingsworth, Alex Sacks, Daniel W. Freeman, Patricia R. Bento, Ana Catarina Lee, Byungkyu Rojas, Felipe Lozano Carroll, Joanna Scrivner, Olga Schmutte, Ian M. Carlin, Patrick Cheng, Wei Raman, Shyam Lozano Rojas, Felipe Andersen, Martin Bento, Ana I. Andersen, Martin S. Ramani, Shyama V. All co-authors policy state opioid evidence new effects distancing covid policies social actions federal workers coronavirus use labor market substance home users states hours initial laws business data prescriptions wirkungsanalyse arzneimittel pharmaceuticals drogenpolitik local government large early job estimates march beschäftigungseffekt competitive restrictions controlled public initiation
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Thuy Dieu Nguyen Dr. Alternative spellings: Dieu Nguyen Thuy Thuy Dieu Nguyen Thuy D. Nguyen Thuy Dieu Nguyen Thuy Nguyen Biblio: Indiana University Bloomington School of Public and Environmental Affairs, USA
Affiliations University of Michigan Indiana University Bloomington Universiteit Maastricht
Publishing years Series NBER Working Paper (5) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (5) NBER working paper series (5)