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Massa, Isabella Nannicini, Tommaso Bonato, Leo Bakradze, Giorgi Hakura, Dalia S. Al-Mashat, Rania Dunn, Jonathan C. Selm, Bert van Yackovlev, Irene George, Susan Mary Al-Mashat, Rania A. Dabla-Norris, Era Kim, Daehaeng Zermeno Livas, Mayra Rebecca Kramarenko, V. Kramarenko, Vitali Mathisen, Johan Zermeño, Mayra Ding, Shuang Fedorov, Konstantin Wakeman-Linn, John Zeuner, Joerg Cebotari, Aliona Almekinders, Geert J. Lutz, Mark A. Berger, Helge Kuijs, Louis All co-authors countries output paper gap oil targeting stock rate monetary market trade exchange central policy georgia middle east transmission egyptian growth term inflationssteuerung georgien asia mechanism openness exporting appreciation egypt empirical finnish pass analysis channels framework methods measures forecasting
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Andreas Billmeier Alternative spellings: A. Billmeier
Affiliations Ziff Brothers Investments Internationaler Währungsfonds. Middle East and Central Asia Department
Publishing years Series IMF working paper (12) IMF working papers (9) IMF country report (5) IMF Working Papers (2) IMF Working Paper (2) Working papers / Innocenzo Gasparini Institute for Economic Research (1) IMF Working Papers, Vol. , pp. 1-33, 2008 (1) IMF Working Papers, Vol. , pp. 1-43, 2007 (1) IMF Working Papers, Vol. , pp. 1-33, 2007 (1) IMF Working Papers, Vol. , pp. 1-50, 2007 (1) IMF Working Papers, Vol. , pp. 1-36, 2007 (1) IMF Working Papers, Vol. , pp. 1-27, 2007 (1) IMF Working Papers, Vol. , pp. 1-21, 2007 (1) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-35, 2002 (1) BERG working paper series (1) BERG working paper series on government and growth (1)