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Sisson, Keith Arrowsmith, James Edwards, Tony Edwards, Paul K. Ferner, Anthony Dølvik, Jon Erik Meardi, Guglielmo Tregaskis, Olga Keune, Maarten Galetto, Manuela Backes-Gellner, Uschi Fichter, Michael Stanojević, Miroslav Brown, William Arthur Bechter, Barbara Frybes, Marcin Nergaard, Kristine Díaz, Juan Arasanz Gray, Molly Frybes, Marcin McIlroy, Rachael Traxler, Franz Arrowsmith, Jim Carley, Mark Armstrong, Peter Purcell, John Cully, Mark Walsh, Janet Arnholtz, Jens Glassner, Vera Lavelle, Jonathan Welz, Christian Bohle, Dorothee Spieser, Catherine Lamare, J. Ryan Gunnigle, Patrick Murray, Gregor Quintanilla Alboreca, Javier Mohrenweiser, Jens Adam, Duncan Sánchez-Mangas, Rocío Trygstad, Sissel Müller, Torsten Mohrenweiser, Jens Alsos, Kristin Whitfield, Keith E. All co-authors arbeitsbeziehungen relations industrial european tarifverhandlungen bargaining collective companies multinational level national responses betriebsrat union multi economic institutional cross governance pay sector betriebsräte vereinbarungen artikel company mitbestimmung codetermination personalmanagement wage nature variation europäischer paper gewerkschaft gewerkschaftsmitgliedschaft metallindustrie fractured trade unions
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Paul Marginson Biblio: Prof. für Arbeitsbeziehungen
Affiliations University of Warwick University of Leeds
Publishing years Series Warwick papers in industrial relations (3) Warwick papers in industrial relations / Warwick Business School, Industrial Relations Research Unit (2) Working paper / ESRC "One Europe or Several?" Programme (2) EF / European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (2) European journal of industrial relations (1) Working papers / Institute for Strategy and Business Economics, University of Zurich (1) Working paper / Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge (1) Las relaciones laborales en una economía globalizada (1) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics and Political Science (1) Warwick studies in industrial relations (1)