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276 records from EconBiz based on author Name
1. A Guide to Target Zones
abstractThis paper identifies key issues surrounding the advisability and practicality of adopting "target zones" for the exchange rates of major currencies. Pour fundamental questions concerning the definition of and the rationale for target zones are addressed: first, what is generally meant by a "target zone" approach to exchange rate management and how can "hard" and "soft" versions of this approach be defined; second, what are the perceived deficiencies in the existing exchange rate system of managed floating which motivate the call for the adoption of target zones; third, how might target zones remedy these deficiencies; and fourth, what factors are behind much of the skepticism over and opposition to target zones? In addition, the paper deals with a series of operational questions of a more technical nature that weigh heavily on the practicality of implementing a target zone approach. The issues discussed include the following: how would the target zones be calculated; what currencies would be included in the system of target zones; how wide should the target zones be and how frequently should they be revised; and what policy instruments would be employed to keep actual exchange rates within the target zones, and with what consequences for other policy objectives? The purpose of the paper is not to make the case either for or against the adoption of target zones. Rather, the intention is to raise and discuss factors that should be considered in any serious discussion of the topic
Frenkel, Jacob A.; Goldstein, Morris;2022
Availability: Link
2. International Coordination of Economic Policies : Scope, Methods, and Effects
abstractThis paper discusses the scope, methods, the effects of international coordination of economic policies. In addressing the scope for and of coordination, the analysis covers the rationale for coordination, barriers to coordination, the range and specificity of policies to be coordinated, the frequency of coordination, and the size of the coordinating group. Turning to the methods of coordination, the emphasis is on the broad issues of rules versus discretion, single-indicator versus multi-indicator approaches, and hegemonic versus more symmetric systems. In an attempt to shed some light on the effects of alternative rule- based proposals for coordination, we present some simulations of a global macroeconomic model (MULTIMQD) developed in the International Monetary Fund. The simulations considered range from 'smoothing rules for monetary and fiscal policy that imply only minimal international coordination, to more activist "target-zone" proposals that place greater restrictions on national authorities in the conduct of monetary and/or fiscal policies. The simulation results are compared to the actual evolution of the world economy over the 1974-87 period. Our findings suggest that simple mechanistic rule-based proposals are unlikely to lead to improved performance
Frenkel, Jacob A.; Goldstein, Morris; Masson, Paul R.;2021
Availability: Link
3. The International Monetary System : Developments and Prospects
abstractThis paper addresses several fundamental issues raised by recent developments in the world economy and considers their implications for the design and functioning of the international monetary system. We do not make any proposals. The four issues examined in the paper are: (1) Can the exchange rate regime do much to discipline fiscal policy?; (2) What are the extent and costs of reduced monetary independence under greater fixity of exchange rates?; (3) How can the equilibrium exchange rate best be determined?; (4) Does a well functioning international monetary system require a clearly defined set of rules, an acknowledged leader, and an explicit anchor?
Frenkel, Jacob A.; Goldstein, Morris;2021
Availability: Link
4. Assessing Financial Vulnerability in Emerging Economies : A Summary of Empirical Results
abstractThis paper aims to identify key empirical regularities in the run-up to banking and currency crises that would enable officials and private market participants to recognize vulnerability to financial crises at an earlier stage. This, in turn, should make it easier to motivate the corrective policy actions that would prevent such crises from actually taking place. Interest in identifying early warning indicators of financial crises has soared of late, stoked primarily by two factors. First, there is increasing recognition that banking and currency crises can be extremely costly to the countries in which they originate; in addition, these crises often spillover via a variety of channels to increase the vulnerability of other countries to financial crisis. The second reason for the increased interest in early warning indicators of financial crises is that there is accumulating evidence that two of the most closely watched market indicators of default and currency risks-namely, interest rate spreads and changes in credit ratings - frequently do not provide much advance warning of currency and banking crises. The other reason why market prices may not signal impending crises is that there are often widely and strongly-held expectations of a bail-out of a troubled borrower by the official sector be it national or international. Dooley has stressed this point in several papers. If interest rate spreads and sovereign credit ratings only give advance warning of financial crises once in a while, increased interest attaches to the question of whether there are other early-warning indicators that would do a better job, and if so, what are they? This is one of the key questions we address in this paper
Goldstein, Morris; Kaminsky, Graciela L.; Reinhart, Carmen M.;2018
Availability: Link Link
Citations: 1 (based on OpenCitations)
5. Banking's final exam : stress testing and bank-capital reform
abstractIntroduction -- Why didn't the EU-wide stress tests receive a better reaction? -- Operational features and evolution of the US and EU-wide tests -- Criticisms of stress-testing methodology and of the measurement of bank capital -- Criticism of the height of the target capital ratio in stress tests -- Lessons and a plan -- References
Goldstein, Morris;2017
6. Trade, currencies, and finance
abstractForeign trade -- Income and price effects in foreign trade / by Morris Goldstein and Mohsin S. Khan -- The supply and demand for exports : a simultaneous approach / by Morris Goldstein and Mohsin S. Khan -- Prices of tradable and nontradable goods in the demand for imports / by Morris Goldstein, Mohsin S. Khan, and Lawrence H. Officer -- Currency regimes, exchange rate policy, and international policy coordination -- Market-based fiscal discipline in monetary unions : evidence from the US municipal bond market / by Morris Goldstein and Geoffrey Woglom -- A guide to target zones / by Jacob A. Frenkel and Morris Goldstein -- Managed floating plus / by Morris Goldstein -- The rationale for, and effects of, international policy coordination / by Jacob A. Frenkel, Morris Goldstein, and Paul R. Masson -- Banking, financial crises, and financial regulation -- Banking crises in emerging economies : origins and policy options / by Morris Goldstein and Philip Turner -- An international banking standard : the time is ripe / by Morris Goldstein -- Origins of the crisis / by Morris Goldstein -- Methodology and empirical results / by Morris Goldstein, Graciela Kaminsky and Carmen Reinhart -- Measuring currency mismatch and aggregate effective currency mismatch / by Morris Goldstein and Philip Turner -- The case for an orderly resolution regime for systemically-important financial institutions / by Rodgin Cohen and Morris Goldstein -- The 2014 eu-wide bank stress test lacks credibility / by Morris Goldstein -- Imf policies -- Evaluating fund stabilization programs with multi country data : some methodological pitfalls / by Morris Goldstein and Peter Montiel -- Imf structural programs / by Morris Goldstein -- The fund appears to be sleeping at the wheel / by Morris Goldstein and Michael Mussa -- Currency manipulation and enforcing the rules of the international monetary system / by Morris Goldstein -- China's exchange rate policies -- Two-stage currency reform for China / by Morris Goldstein and Nicolas Lardy -- China's exchange rate policy dilemma / by Morris Goldstein and Nicholas Lardy -- Challenges facing the chinese authorities under the existing currency regime / by Morris Goldstein and Nicholas Lardy
Goldstein, Morris;2017
Type: Sammlung; Collection of articles written by one author;
7. Too big to fail : the transatlantic debate
Goldstein, Morris; Véron, Nicolas;2011
Type: Arbeitspapier; Working Paper; Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature;

8. Integrating reform of financial regulation with reform of the international monetary system
Goldstein, Morris;2011
Type: Arbeitspapier; Working Paper; Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature;

9. Too big to fail : the transatlantic debate
abstractAlthough the United States and the European Union were both seriously impacted by the financial crisis of 2007, the resulting policy debates and regulatory responses have differed considerably on the two sides of the Atlantic. In this paper the authors examine the debates on the problem posed by 'big to fail' financial institutions. They identify variations in historical experiences, financial system structures, and political institutions that help one understand the differences in the approaches of the US, EU member states, and the EU institutions in addressing this problem. The authors then turn to possible remedies and how they may be differentially implemented in America and Europe. They conclude on the policy developments that are likely in the near future. -- banks ; comparative political economy ; financial regulation ; microprudential policy ; too-big-to-fail
Goldstein, Morris; Véron, Nicolas;2011
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link Link Link
10. Coping with Too Much of a Good Thing : Policy Responses for Large Capital Inflows in Developing Countries
abstractIn discussing the causes and consequences of large capital inflows to developing countries, the author emphasizes two things. First, although there are legitimate grounds for an optimistic long-term outlook on private capital flows to developing countries, there is little to suggest that the volatility of capital flows will end. In designing policy strategies to accomodate this volatility, a premium should be put on credibility, resilience, and flexibility. Second, country differences notwithstanding, host countries need to respect the basics of adjustment and finance in designing their policy response to large inflows. Host countries that want to keep using the nominal exchange rate as their key nominal anchor and that do not want to accept much appreciation in their real exchange rate must be prepared to tighten fiscal policy. This is the most reliable way to reduce aggregate demand, keep inflation in check, and limit deterioration of the current account. Regarding sterilization policy, domestic interest rates will be higher and the size of the inflow will be larger with sterilization than without it. Not that sterilization necessarily need be avoided; in the early stages of inflow, it can help moderate or even offset the induced expansion of domestic credit. But with high capital mobility, sterilization becomes more expensive and less effective the longer it is used. Effective regulation and supervision are important in ensuring the best use of large inflows of foreign resources. It makes a big difference, for example, if banks use their higher reserves to lend for productive investment and human capital formation than if they use them to fund speculative activities that eventually translate into nonperforming loans (and perhaps a large public sector liability as well). Careful assessment of credit risk and of maturity mismatches are essential if banks are to help the private sector earn a rate of return greater than the cost of capital. Similarly, good disclosure and accounting standards are essential for accurate pricing of risk in both banking and securities markets. These and similar measures are worth implementing even without large capital inflows. Beyond dealing with surges in capital inflows, host countries must decide the optimal speed at which they wish to move toward full capital account liberalization
Goldstein, Morris;2016
Availability: Link