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Menon, Jayant Jayasuriya, Sisira K. Archanun Kohpaiboon Rajapatirana, Sarath Hill, Hal Riedel, James Sen, Kunal Yamashita, Nobuaki Bandara, Jayatilleke S. Kelegama, Saman Patunru, Arianto Arif Devadason, Evelyn S. Hazari, Bharat R. Suresh Narayanan Bhanupong Nidhiprabha Tran Quang Tien Warr, Peter George All co-authors policy asian global countries economic patterns sri auslandsinvestition developing east development asien asia crisis south lanka experience
Composed terms sri lanka foreign investment internationale arbeitsteilung international division of labour foreign economic policy international economy multinationales unternehmen internationale wirtschaft transnational corporation developing countries trade liberalization internationale wirtschaftsbeziehungen international economic relations economic growth east asia außenhandel mit industriegütern manufactures trade economic development international trade pattern terms of trade east asian foreign direct direct investment trade effect trends patterns financial crisis regionale wirtschaftsintegration regional economic integration migrant workers trade investment south south south trade export led growth wto recht wto law paper examines impact assessment international production patterns determinants policy reforms internationale produktion international agricultural trade asian trade economic policy trade flows terms trade exportinduziertes wachstum business network prema chandra chandra athukorala evidence sri manufactured exports manufacturing industries sri lankan economic transition
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Premachandra Athukorala Prof. Alternative spellings: Prema-Chandra Athukorala Prema-chandra Athukorala Premachandra Athukoralge Chandra Athukorala B: 1951 Biblio: 2018 Professor of Economics at the Australian National UniversityPlace of Activity: Canberra
Profession Economist Hochschullehrer
Affiliations Australian National University Crawford School of Economics and Government Asia Pacific School of Economics and Management La Trobe University. School of Economics and Commerce
Publishing years Series Working papers in trade and development (91) Economics and commerce : discussion papers (25) Discussion papers / La Trobe University, School of Economics (12) Routledge studies in the growth economies of Asia (6) An Elgar reference collection (4) Crawford School Research Paper (4) Discussion papers (3) The international library of critical writings in economics (3) ADB economics working paper series (3) ADB working paper series on regional economic integration (2) Edward Elgar E-Book Archive (2) Working paper / World Institute for Development Economics Research (2) Research studies / International economic series / Institute of Policy Studies of Sri Lanka (2) Discussion paper series / Hitotsubashi University Research Unit for Statistical Analysis in Social Sciences (2) FIW working paper (2) Asian Development Bank Economics Working Paper Series (2) Discussion paper series (2) ASARC working paper (2) Economics discussion papers (2) The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics (1) World Bank comparative macroeconomic studies (1) Working papers / ADB Institute (1) Policy, research and external affairs working papers : WPS (1) Economics research reports (1) Pacific economic paper (1) ERIA discussion paper series (1) The World Bank comparative macroeconomic studies (1) General paper / G / Centre of Policy Studies and the Impact Project (1) ASEAN economic bulletin (1) Industrialization series (1) in Asian Economic Papers (1) Southeast Asia's economic crisis (1) Cambridge elements. Elements in development economics (1) ADBI Working Paper 520 (1) Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia (1) Economics Division working papers (1)