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Gil, Joan Gaggero, Alessio Jiménez-Rubio, Dolores Migali, Giuseppe Li Donni, Paolo Dragone, Davide Budría, Santiago Costi, Chiara Martinez-Jimenez, Mario Hollingsworth, Bruce Graves, Jennifer All co-authors diagnosis term probability weight impact intergenerational information effect adult school effects behaviours employ longitudinal data results parametric evidence health causal long short energy dropout individuals mental regression type who birth diabetes while increases present depressed transmission appear levels changes parental
Composed terms diabetes diagnosis long term dm diagnosis school dropout type diabetes adult crime causal impact transmission crime increases probability short term impact diabetes longitudinal data ill health impact health information mental mental health employ fuzzy fuzzy regression regression discontinuity discontinuity design exploiting exogenous exogenous cut cut value glycated haemoglobin administrative longitudinal parametric non non parametric diagnosis depression labour market longitudinal study haemoglobin hba probability depressed who did did lose lose weight value diagnosis provided biomarker biomarker glycated data spain effect adult dropping school having convicted convicted father education smoking information lifestyle behaviours impact economic shocks national longitudinal study adolescent adolescent adult adult health changes lifestyle estimate short short long term causal causal impacts impacts type diabetes mellitus mellitus dm diagnosis lifestyle design exploiting diagnosis dm dm provided hba make make use use unique unique administrative spain focus focus impact impact diagnosis diagnosis clinically
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Eugenio Zucchelli Dr.
Profession Gesundheitsökonom Dozent
Affiliations Lancaster University Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit
Publishing years Series Discussion paper series / IZA (6) IZA Discussion Paper (2) UB Economics Working Papers E21/406, 2021 (1)