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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata

Käthe Seidel


B: 11. Oktober 1907 Frankenstein in Schlesien
D: 4. November 1990
Biblio: Deutsche Limnologin und Botanikerin
Death Place:


  • Biologin
  • Affiliations

  • Stiftung Limnologische Arbeitsgruppe Dr. Seidel
  • External links

  • Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
  • Bibliothèque nationale de France
  • Wikipedia (Deutsch)
  • Wikipedia (English)
  • Kalliope Verbundkatalog
  • Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek
  • Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
  • Wikidata
  • International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI)

  • Käthe Seidel (1907-1990) was a German botanist. Seidel was the first researcher to incorporate vegetation into wastewater treatment wetlands, beginning in the 1950s. She was nicknamed "Bulrush Kate" ("Die Binzen Kaethe") for her use of the common bulrush, Schoenoplectus lacustris. For many years, she led the Limnological Station of the Lower Rhine (Limnologische Station Niederrhein) based in the city of Krefeld. Focusing on studies of the Lower Rhine, the Limnological Station was associated with various institutions that became part of the Max Planck Society. The approach to constructed wetlands that Seidel originated is variously referred to as the Seidel system, the Krefeld system, and the Max Planck Institute process (MPIP). Her work is the earliest example of vertical flow constructed wetlands, now used widely in Europe and elsewhere.Seidel was also the first to propose horizontal sub-surface flow systems,an area of research that was further explored by her student Reinhold Kickuth.She has been called the "Mother of constructed wetlands". (Source: DBPedia)

    Publishing years



    1. Die Binnengewässer : Einzeldarstellungen aus der Limnologie u. ihren Nachbargebieten (1)