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Brandenburg, Marcus Beske, Philip Sauer, Philipp Christopher Schilling, Lara Gold, Stefan Yawar, Sadaat Ali Aman, Sadaf Lima, Felipe Alexandre de Müller, Martin Müller, Martin Qian, Chen Goldbach, Maria Faßbender-Wynands, Ellen Ghadge, Abhijeet Gomes dos Santos, Virginia Donk, Dirk Pieter van Pullman, Madeleine Luzzini, Davide Hahn, Rüdiger Longoni, Annachiara Land, Anna Wagner, Ralf Genovese, Andrea Siems, Erik Koplin, Julia Sáenz, Josune All co-authors supply chain lieferkette chains sustainability nachhaltigkeit sustainable research social study literature lieferantenmanagement risks umweltmanagement case environmental bibliometrie bibliometrics review risikomanagement change industry based value kostenmanagement impacts stakeholder
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Stefan Seuring Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: Stefan A. Seuring B: 1967 Fulda
Profession Diplombetriebswirt Hochschullehrer
Affiliations Universität Kassel University of Waikato Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Publishing years Series International journal of operations & production management (2) SCMC-Diskussionspapier (2) International journal of physical distribution and logistics management (1) The international journal of logistics management (1) Supply-Chain-Management (1) Wirtschaftswissenschaft (1) SpringerLink / Bücher (1) Controlling-Praxis (1) EcoMTex-Diskussionspapier (1)