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GND: 123169739

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Years of publications: 1400 - 2022

239 records from EconBiz based on author Name Information logo

1. Algorithms and online news

Chiou, Lesley; Tucker, Catherine;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: Link

2. Choosing to discover the unknown : the effects of choice on user attention to online video advertising

Luo, Cheng; Jiang, Zhenhui; Li, Xiuping; Yi, Cheng; Tucker, Catherine;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link Link

3. TV advertising and online sales : a case study of intertemporal substitution effects for an online travel platform

Lambrecht, Anja; Tucker, Catherine; Zhang, Xu;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link Link

4. Frontiers: digital hermits

Miklós-Thal, Jeanine; Goldfarb, Avi; Haviv, Avery; Tucker, Catherine;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link Link

5. The chilling effect of dobbs : a study of mobile health apps usage

Basavaraj, Naveen; Ananthakrishnan, Uttara M.; Tucker, Catherine;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: Link

6. Conducting research in marketing with quasi-experiments

Goldfarb, Avi; Tucker, Catherine; Wang, Yanwen;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link Link
Citations: 24 (based on OpenCitations)

7. Guns, Privacy, and Crime


Open government holds promise of both a more efficient but more accountable and transparent government. It is not clear, however, how transparent information about citizens and their interaction with government, however, affects the welfare of those citizens, and if so in what direction. We investigate this by using as a natural experiment the effect of the online publication of the names and addresses of holders of handgun carry permits on criminals' propensity to commit burglaries. In December 2008, a Memphis, TN newspaper published a searchable online database of names, zip codes, and ages of Tennessee handgun carry permit holders. We use detailed crime and handgun carry permit data for the city of Memphis to estimate the impact of publicity about the database on burglaries. We find that burglaries increased in zip codes with fewer gun permits, and decreased in those with more gun permits, after the database was publicized

Acquisti, Alessandro; Tucker, Catherine;
Type: Arbeitspapier; Working Paper; Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature;
Availability: Link Link
Citations: 4 (based on OpenCitations)

8. Algorithmic Bias and Historical Injustice : Race and Digital Profiling


This paper studies the implications of attempts at "ethnic-affinity" profiling on Facebook that reflects users' engagement with content on Facebook. Profiling by ethnic-affinity is highly correlated with Census estimates of population race by geography. However, more users were profiled as African-American in former slave states relative to the baseline population. This occurs because the targeting algorithm was better at identifying Black users through differentiated engagement with cultural content in these states. This implies that policies restricting the collection of racial identity data will be unsuccessful due to the existence of proxies, and that relying on proxies may introduce troubling biases

Matthew, Abigail; Miller, Amalia R.; Tucker, Catherine;
Type: Arbeitspapier; Working Paper; Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature;
Availability: Link Link

9. Apparent algorithmic discrimination and real-time algorithmic learning in digital search advertising

Lambrecht, Anja; Tucker, Catherine;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: The PDF logo Link

10. Is first- or third-party audience data more effective for reaching the "right" customers? : the case of IT decision-makers

Neumann, Nico; Tucker, Catherine; Subramanyam, Kumar; Marshall, John;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: The PDF logo Link

The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata


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