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Agrawal, Narendra Oren, Shmuel S. MacIntyre, Shelby H. Achabal, Dale D. Miller, Christopher M. Mamer, John W. Najafi-Asadolahi, Sami Agrawal, Narendra Tsay, Andy A. Wilson, Robert Rothkopf, Michael H. All co-authors retail chain einzelhandel supply lieferkette management lagerhaltungsmodell models electric pricing product review empirical planning multi research optimizing assortments differentiated industry lagermanagement optimal chains quantitative studies diverse opportunities power handelskette verkaufsförderung sortiment processes major retailers clearance customer preferences products service overview implementing reliability elektrizitätswirtschaft operational literature using markdown recent store demands policies private utilities creating managing practice assortment variety manufacturer book regulatory address differentiation design preismanagement retailing bestandsmanagement bestandsplanung logistik logistics sonderangebot niedrigpreisstrategie
Composed terms supply chain retail trade retail supply inventory model chain management supply chain management warehouse management retail chains management quantitative quantitative models models empirical empirical studies chain planning optimizing retail retail assortments retail chain electric power retail assortment sales promotion planning processes processes major major retailers clearance pricing pricing retail multi location location inventory inventory models models retail diverse customer customer preferences implementing reliability reliability differentiated electric power industry optimal inventory inventory management studies supply management review review recent recent research assortments diverse preferences multi service opportunities opportunities electric electric utilities utilities creating creating differentiated differentiated products industry practice product differentiation differentiated product pricing strategy special offers low cost strategy retail price category management logit modell logit model consumer behaviour electricity price optimization operational operational decisions decisions digital digital advertising advertising literature literature review review optimal management using using retail retail prepacks prepacks optimal optimal markdown pricing inventory inventory allocation allocation retail dependent demand demand retail retailers clearance multi item chains sam
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Stephen A. Smith Alternative spellings: Stephen Allan Smith B: 1942 Biblio: Tätig am Dep. of Decision and Information Sciences, Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara Univ.
Publishing years Series International Series in Operations Research & Management Science (2) International series in operations research & management science (2) Topics in regulatory economics and policy series : TREP (1) Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy Series (1)