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GND: 123825067

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Years of publications: 1981 - 1981

168 records from EconBiz based on author Name Information logo

1. A diary study on location autonomy and employee mental distress : the mediating role of task-environment fit

Wu, Chia-Huei; Davis, Matthew C.; Collis, Hannah; Hughes, Helen; Fang, Linhao;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link Link

2. Indigenous employment, unemployment and labour force participation : facts for evidence based policies

Hughes, Helen; Hughes, Mark;

3. Trade, aid and development

Hughes, Helen;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;

4. Is Papua New Guinea viable with customary land ownership?

Gosarevski, Steven; Hughes, Helen; Windybank, Susan; Fingleton, Jim;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;

5. Is Papua New Guinea viable?

Gosarevski, Steven; Hughes, Helen; Windybank, Susan;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;

6. Book Reviews


China's Economic Growth and the ASEAN; Ellen H. Palanca (ed.) East Asia in Transition: Economic and Security Challenges; A.E. Safarian and Wendy Dobson (eds) Southeast Asia: The Long Road Ahead; Lim Chong Yah The Microfinance Revolution: Sustainable Finance For The Poor; Marguerite S. Robinson Innovation in Natural Resource Management: The Role of Property Rights and Collective Action In Developing Countries; Ruth Meinzen-Dick, Anna Knox, Frank Place, and Brent Swallow Imagine There's No Country: Poverty, Inequality, and Growth in the Era of Globalisation; Surjit S. Bhalla Mon Nationalism and Civil War in Burma: The Golden Sheldrake; Ashley South The Asian Storm: Asia's Economic Crisis Examined; Philippe Ries, translated by Peter Starr The Transformation of Rural China; Jonathan Unger ASEAN Business in Crisis; Mhinder Bhopal and Michael Hitchcock (eds) A Zone of Asian Monetary Stability; Tetsuji Murase Can Asia Compete? Innovation for Global Markets; Yusu, S. and Evenett, S.J. China and the Knowledge Economy: Seizing the 21st Century; Carl J. Dahlman and Jean-Eric Aubert Corporate Governance and SOE Reform in China: Building the Institutions of Modern Markets; Stoyan Tenev and Chunlin Zhang From Crisis to Recovery: East Asia Rising Again? Tzong-Shian Yu and Dianqing Xu Integrating China into the Global Economy; Nicholas R. Lardy

Athukorala, Prema-chandra; Beeson, Mark; Chen, Edward K.Y; Conroy, John D.; Duncan, Roderick; Hughes, Helen; James, Helen; Lee, Hwok Aun; Lim, Steven; Low, Linda; Ngiam, Kee Jin; Perkins, Frances; Sidorenko, Alexandra A.; Song, Ligang; Wang, Yunjong; Zhong, Funing;
Availability: Link

7. Trade or aid? : Which benefits developing countries more?

Hughes, Helen;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;

8. Trade or aid? : Which benefits developing countries more?

Hughes, Helen;

9. Heinz W.Arndt : economist and public intellectual

Hughes, Helen;

10. The evolution of dual economies in East Asia

Hughes, Helen;
Type: Aufsatz im Buch; Book section;

The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata

Harald Schwartz


  • Rechtsanwalt
  • External links

  • Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
  • Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek
  • NACO Authority File
  • Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
  • Wikidata
  • International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI)

  • Publishing years



    1. Neue juristische Wochenschrift / Schriftenreihe : NJW (1)