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GND: 123923050

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Years of publications: 1400 - 2022

114 records from EconBiz based on author Name Information logo

1. Do Temporary Contracts Increase Work Accidents? A Microeconometric Comparison Between Italy and Spain


This paper analyses the effect of contract type on the rate of work-related accidents in Italy and Spain, using the 1999 Labour Force Survey 'ad hoc module'. We find that, once personal and job characteristics of workers are controlled for, the differences in the probability of suffering a work accident between open-ended and temporary workers vanish. Furthermore, following a novel decomposition analysis by Yun, we obtain that personal and job characteristics tend to increase the probability of having an accident for temporary workers, but the specific influence of contract type favours the latter, who show a lower probability on this account

Hernanz Martín, Virginia; Toharia, Luis;
Availability: Link

2. The influence of temporary employment on unemployment exits in a competing risks framework

Arranz, José M.; García-Serrano, Carlos; Toharia, Luis;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;

3. El salario mínimo y sus efectos sobre el mercado de trabajo

Cebrián, Inmaculada; Pitarch, Joaquín; Rodríguez Gutiérrez, César; Toharia, Luis;
Type: Amtsdruckschrift; Government document; Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature;

4. Mind the gap, please! : the effect of temporary help agencies on the consequences of work accidents

García-Serrano, Carlos; Hernanz Martín, Virginia; Toharia, Luis;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;

5. El sistema de protección por desempleo y la salida del paro

Toharia, Luis; Arranz Muñoz, José María; García-Serrano, Carlos; Hernanz Martín, Virginia;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;

6. El mercado de trabajo en la obra de Luis Toharia

Type: Sammelwerk; Collection of articles of several authors; Amtsdruckschrift; Government document; Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Festschrift;

7. Un análisis espacial del desempleo por municipios

Alonso Villar, Olga; Río Otero, Coral del; Toharia, Luis;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;

8. La transición de la educación secundaria (obligatoria y no abligatoria) al mercado laboral

Albert Verdú, Cecilia; Davia Rodríguez, María Angeles; Toharia, Luis;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;

9. Do Temporary Contracts Increase Work Accidents? A Microeconometric Comparison between Italy and Spain


This paper analyzes the effect of contract type on the rate of work-related accidents in Italy and Spain, using the 1999 LFS ad hoc module. This database provides, for the first time, the possibility of analyzing not only work accidents by contract type; it also allows us to relate these variables to a wide array of personal and job characteristics of the victims of accidents as compared to those not suffering such accidents, and also on a cross-country comparative analysis. After some descriptive analysis, the paper presents two econometric exercises. First, several probit analyses of the probability of suffering a work-related accident show that, once the personal and job characteristics of workers are controlled for, the differences in the probability of suffering a work accident between open-ended and temporary workers vanish. This happens in both countries and similar results are achieved when the sample is restricted to workers with at most 3 years of tenure. Second, a decomposition analysis of the mean differences in probabilities is undertaken showing that, both in Italy and Spain, personal and job characteristics tend to increase the probability of having an accident for temporary workers, but that the specific influence of the contract type favours these temporary workers, who tend to show a lower probability on this account. However, the different relative strength of these effects in both countries explains why the total effect is against temporary workers in Spain and against permanent workers in Italy

Hernanz Martín, Virginia; Toharia, Luis;
Availability: Link Link

10. To find or not to find a first “significant” job

verdú, Cecilia Albert; Cortés, Luis Toharia; Rodríguez, María A. Davia;
Availability: The PDF logo

The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata


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