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Begg, Iain Davies, Howard Bauer, Armin Harrison, Kathryn Frenette, Marc Milligan, Kevin Lemieux, Thomas Petrick, Karl Petrick, Karl J. Boschmann, Nina Kuehnast, Kathleen All co-authors chapter banking financial central bankenregulierung minimum fairness europe wages model wage setting stability european union monetary policy set bankenaufsicht regulation standards future fall rise canadian inequality transition relations supervision market voters investigation models based unskilled data princeton contents geldpolitik finanzsektor osteuropa systemtransformation international taxes transfers income impact unionization incidence sources payment training canada global essential guide integrating economies eastward expansion transformation political economy bank
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
David Green Prof. Alternative spellings: David M. A. Green David. A. Green B: 1952
Profession Economist
Affiliations Internationaler Währungsfonds Bank of England Thames Valley University (London) Euronext SA (Paris)
Publishing years Series IFS working paper (1) The 1996 European Intergovernmental Conference (1)