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Parker, Robert H. Alexander, David James, Simon R. Evans, Lisa Stadler, Christian Ullathorne, Anne Norton, Julie E. Zeff, Stephen A. Barth, Mary E. Tarca, Ann Kvaal, Erlend Roberts, Alan Aisbitt, Sally Evens, Lisa Diggle, Graham Lamb, Margaret Weaver, Samantha James, Simon Beattie, Vivien A. Haswell, Stephen Puig, Xavier Oliveras, Ester Alexander, David Langfield-Smith, Ian Schwencke, Hans Robert Stolowy, Hervé Jeanjean, Thomas Hope, Ole-Kristian Ding, Yuan Perramon, Jordi Stadler, Christian Channon, Gordon All co-authors rechnungswesen ifrs accounting financial rechnungslegung comparative bilanz introduction finanzbuchhaltung buchführung bilanzierung bookkeeping bilanzierungsgrundsätze klassifikation taxation policy differences einführung vergleich comparison economics classification steuertheorie principles fair harmonization directive practice true germany bilanzpolitik steuer wirtschaftsprüfung reporting development national double entry classifications tax issues interpreting statements ledger berichtswesen bilanzrecht aufsatzsammlung australia spain view relating harmonisation comparisons european australien spanien rechtsangleichung harmonisierung adoption goodwill international research
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Christopher Nobes Prof. Alternative spellings: C. W. Nobes C.W. Nobes Chris Nobes B: 1950 Biblio: Ehemals tätig an der Univ. of Exeter; Univ. of Strathclyde; Univ. of Reading; Univ. of London
Profession Betriebswirt Dozent
Affiliations Royal Holloway University of Sydney Norges handelshøyskole International Accounting Standards Committee
Publishing years Series Discussion papers in accounting, finance and banking / D (18) The library of international accounting (4) Accounting comparisons: UK Europe (3) The new library of international accounting (3) Pearson education (2) Discussion papers in accounting and finance / D (2) Routledge studies in accounting (2) Working papers / Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Department of Economics and Business (1) Always learning (1) Accounting and business research : a research quarterly publ. by the Inst. of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (1) Routledge series on international accounting and finance (1) Routledge library editions. Accounting (1) The Economist publications (1) Accounting thought and practice through the years (1) Certified bulletin / Chartered Association of Certified Accountants (1) Croom Helm series on international accounting and finance (1) Solutions for business (1) Working paper / European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (1)