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criminal policykorruption deutschlandcompliance managementcompliance aufbauaufbau managementmanagement risikobereichedeutschland strafrechtlichestrafrechtliche kontrollekontrolle kriminologischkriminologisch strafrechtlichestrafrechtliche analysedeutschland portraitportrait wachstumsbranchecriminal lawcompliance systemhandbuch wirtschaftswirtschafts steuerstrafrechtsteuerstrafrecht compliancerisikobereiche korruptionanalyse compliancerisikobereiche strukturenstrukturen korruptionkorruption korruptionwachstumsbranche erfolgreicherfolgreich gewaltgewalt kindergärtenkindergärten schulenschulen ratgeberratgeber korruptionwachstumsbranche korruptionanalyse korruptionkorruption effektiveffektiv attraktivattraktiv lukrativlukrativ entscheidungsträgerentscheidungsträger staatlichenstaatlichen verwaltungverwaltung politikpolitik erkannterkannt abuabu dhabidhabi siziliensizilien längstlängst deutschlanddeutschland bestechenbestechen verbandsfunktionärebauunternehmer beamtebeamte politikerpolitiker schmiergeldzahlungengeschäftspolitik fügenfügen fiskusfiskus jährlichjährlich schädenschäden milliardenhöheunbemerkt justizjustiz ÖffentlichkeitÖffentlichkeit verzweigtebeziehungsgeflechte heranwachsenkorruption deutschendeutschen amtsstubentabuisiert anhandanhand zahlreicheroriginalfälle autoren

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Years of publications: 2002 - 2020

111 records from EconBiz based on author Name Information logo

1. Infrastructure's imprint : metro proximity and property development dynamics in São Paulo, Brazil


How does the proximity to a metro station affect urban development in Latin America? While the literature assessing the causal impacts of transportation infrastructure has grown in recent years, only a few papers have focused on the effects of metro systems in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region, and identifying the precise impacts of such investments is far from straightforward. We apply a Synthetic Difference-in-Differences (SDiD) approach to estimate the effects of the expansion of Line 5 of the São Paulo metro system in Brazil on land use and property features. Our results show positive impacts on constructed area, with a treatment effect that is half the magnitude of the average constructed area in untreated units in the pre-treatment period. Additionally, our findings indicate an increase in the number of properties around the stations, with a shift in property composition towards more commercial units. We also find a strong anticipation effect associated with the new metro infrastructure and dynamic impacts after the opening of the first metro station, with effects that increase over time.

Grimaldi, Daniel; Mitnik, Oscar A.; Zimmermann, Beatrice;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo Link Link

2. The impact of labor intermediation and training in high informality contexts : evidence from Paraguay


We provide quasi-experimental estimates of the impact of reforming public training programs offered in Paraguay on formal employment. The Programa de Apoyo a la Inserción Laboral (PAIL) revamped training program design in the country by offering courses aligned with the needs of the private sector, enhancing non-cognitive skills, and combining practical work within companies with classroom training. We combine administrative records - which contain detailed information on the employment history and characteristics of all formal workers in Paraguay - with an empirical strategy based on extensions of difference-in-differences models and synthetic difference-in-differences. We find that the probability of obtaining formal employment for women and men increases by 11 percentage points. Even two years after participating, the program has a lasting impact on women, an aspect not observed for men. Additionally, the program's impact is positive only in the metropolitan area of Asunción; the program is less effective in areas far from the urban center, especially for men. The observed results suggest that supply-side interventions are ineffective if no formal jobs are available for the beneficiaries.

Campos, Nicolás; Chalup Calmotti, Miguel Sebastiano; Mitnik, Oscar A.; Urquidi, Manuel;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo Link Link

3. What works to improve lives? : what works for transport, water and sanitation, and urban development

Cuesta, Ana; Mitnik, Oscar A.; Scholl, Lynn; Vidal Fuertes, Cecilia; Yañez-Pagans, Patricia;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature;
Availability: The PDF logo Link Link

4. What works to improve lives? : what works to improve government efficiency, tax compliance, and financial resilience

Bosch, Mariano; Frisancho Robles, Verónica; Gerardino, María Paula; Mitnik, Oscar A.; Pierri, Gaston; Scartascini, Carlos G.;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature;
Availability: The PDF logo Link Link

5. The Impact of Labor Intermediation and Training in High Informality Contexts. Evidence from Paraguay.

Campos, Nicolás; Chalup, Miguel; Mitnik, Oscar A.; Urquidi, Manuel;
Type: Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo

6. Infrastructure's Imprint: Metro Proximity and Property Development Dynamics in São Paulo, Brazil

Grimaldi, Daniel; Mitnik, Oscar A.; Zimmermann, Beatrice;
Type: Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo

7. Liquidity or capital? : the impacts of easing credit constraints in rural Mexico


This paper evaluates the effectiveness of easing credit constraints for rural producers in Mexico through loans provided by a national public development finance institution (DFI). In contrast to most of the existing literature, the study focuses on the effect of medium-sized loans over a two- to four-year time horizon. This paper looks at the effects of such loans on production and investment decisions, input use, and yields. Using a multiple treatment methodology, it explores the differential impacts of providing liquidity for working capital versus providing credit for investments in fixed assets. It finds that loans increased the likelihood that producers grow and sell certain key annual crops, in particular among recipients of working capital loans. It also finds significant effects on production value and sales (per hectare), with similar impacts for recipients of both types of loans, with gains in yields driven by changes in labor quality and more intensive use of key inputs. There is no evidence of significant effects on the purchase of large machinery, but there are impacts on the acquisition of cattle. Overall, the results reported in this paper suggest that lack of liquidity is at least as important as lack of funding for new investment in capital for rural producers in Mexico. Producers benefit from easing their credit constraints, regardless of the type of loan used for that purpose.

Aparicio, Gabriela; Bobić, Vida; De Olloqui, Fernando; Fernández Diez, María Carmen; Gerardino, María Paula Gerardino; Mitnik, Oscar A.; Vargas Macedo, Sebastian;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo Link Link

8. Liquidity or capital? : the impacts of easing credit constraints in rural Mexico


This paper evaluates the effectiveness of easing credit constraints for rural producers in Mexico through loans provided by a national public development finance institution. In contrast to most of the existing literature, the study focuses on the effect of medium-sized loans over a two- to four-year time horizon. This paper looks at the effects of such loans on production and investment decisions, input use, and yields. Using a multiple treatment methodology, it explores the differential impacts of providing liquidity for working capital versus providing credit for investments in fixed assets. It finds that loans increased the likelihood that producers grow and sell certain key annual crops, in particular among recipients of working capital loans. It also finds significant effects on production value and sales (per hectare), with similar impacts for recipients of both types of loans, with gains in yields driven by changes in labor quality and more intensive use of key inputs. There is no evidence of significant effects on the purchase of large machinery, but there are impacts on the acquisition of cattle. Overall, the results reported in this paper suggest that lack of liquidity is at least as important as lack of funding for new investment in capital for rural producers in Mexico. Producers benefit from easing their credit constraints, regardless of the type of loan used for that purpose.

Aparicio, Gabriela; Bobić, Vida; De Olloqui, Fernando; Fernández Díez, María Carmen; Gerardino, María Paula; Mitnik, Oscar A.; Vargas Macedo, Sebastián;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo Link Link

9. Spatial and time spillovers of driving restrictions: causal evidence from Lima's Pico Y Placa policy


Driving restrictions are popular interventions in rapidly urbanizing developing countries. Their relatively inexpensive implementation appeals to the pressing need to reduce traffic congestion and pollution. Their effectiveness however, remains contested. Using high frequency data from the community-based driving directions app Waze, we evaluate the causal effect on traffic congestion of Lima's Pico y Placa driving restriction policy introduced in 2019. We find small improvements in traffic congestion for the policy's directly targeted areas. However, those improvements are offset by time and spatial spillovers in the opposite direction in the aggregate. Speed improved by 2 percent during the early weeks of the intervention, but this effect disappeared 16 weeks after the start of the policy. Moreover, traffic conditions worsened in adjacent areas and in hours outside the time schedule of the policy. In the aggregate, accounting for time and spatial spillovers, a simulation exercise suggests that overall welfare declined by 2 percent, mostly driven by the extensive margin (more roads becoming congested) outside the direct areas and hours targeted by the policy. The policy seems not only to have failed to achieve its intended benefits in terms of congestion, but also probably caused increases in traffic-related pollution. These results highlight the need for policy makers to take into account the overall impacts of driving restrictions policies before implementing them.

Salgado, Edgar; Mitnik, Oscar A.;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo Link Link

10. Dynamics of managerial power and CEO compensation in the course of corporate distress : evidence from 1992 to 2019

Sheng, Guo; Kang, Qiang; Mitnik, Oscar A.;
Type: Graue Literatur; Non-commercial literature; Arbeitspapier; Working Paper;
Availability: The PDF logo Link

The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata

Britta Bannenberg

Prof. Dr. jur.

Alternative spellings:
B. Bannenberg

B: 1964 Volkmarsen
Biblio: Forschungsschwerpunkte: Amok, Terror und Tötungsdelikte; Gewalt; Organisierte Kriminalität; Hate Crime (Vorurteilskriminalität); Kriminalprävention; Opferforschung; Korruption und Wirtschaftskriminalität


  • Juristin
  • Kriminologin
  • Hochschullehrerin
  • Affiliations

  • Universität Bielefeld
  • Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
  • External links

  • Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
  • Bibliothèque nationale de France
  • Wikipedia (Deutsch)
  • Archivportal-D
  • Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek
  • NACO Authority File
  • Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
  • Wikidata
  • International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI)

  • Publishing years



    1. Beck'sche Reihe (3)
    2. Wirtschaftsrecht (1)
    3. C. F. Müller Wirtschaftsrecht (1)
    4. Polizei + Forschung (1)