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Kanbur, Ravi Narayan, Deepa Braithwaite, Jeanine Van Bastelaer, Thierry Oh, Gi-taik Demery, Lionel Grootaert, Christian Dubois, Jean-Luc Van Bastelar, Thierry Cheung, K. F. Saunders, Christopher C. Pyatt, Graham Chander, Ramesh Demery, Lionel Ferroni, Marco A. Allison, Christine Patrinos, Harry Anthony Serageldin, Ismail Milanović, Branko Woolcock, Michael Jones, Veronica Nyhan Arriagada, Ana M. All co-authors social capital armut poverty elfenbeinküste welfare côte ivoire sozialkapital lebensstandard household development data local case percent poor institutions entwicklungsländer measuring policy analysis change income distribution understanding tool empirical assessment child labor people transfers structural measurement application households human messung kinderarbeit einkommensverteilung bolivia role countries hungary economic living survey demand community associations especially groups increase areas model bolivien ungarn armutsbekämpfung verbraucherpreisindex multidisciplinary practitioners questionnaire study incidence analyzing poland review urban surveys relation provides qualitative endowment spending higher results time physical polen dynamics escape don african determinants reform paper panel africa new index project evidence standards dimensions adjustment developing conceptual final japan values impact quantitative level information memberships average belong agrarian education decisionmaking better access need programs rural annex summary wirtschaftswachstum sozialpolitik entwicklungsgebiete assistance correlates based union lucky decline seen labour price international effects
Composed terms cote d ivoire côte ivoire social capital household welfare privater haushalt standard of living poverty social measuring social child labour welfare bolivia child labor social transfers structural change developing countries income distribution Öffentliche sozialleistungen social security benefits poverty reduction consumer price index understanding measuring local institutions institutions poverty poverty household capital household welfare poverty application japan analysis social physical capital 1985 1988 statistische methoden capital multidisciplinary multidisciplinary tool tool practitioners capital development empirical assessment escape poverty african case case study policy reform living standards survey data relation final final demand demand income distribution application capital assessment assessment tool local associations human capital capital case Öffentliche sozialausgaben public social expenditure wirtschaftliche anpassung economic adjustment iwf kredit imf lending practitioners local capital integrated integrated questionnaire role social development empirical assessment understanding poverty indonesia dynamics poverty poverty people people escape poverty don don african labor côte ivoire incidence incidence determinants determinants poverty poverty correlates correlates indicator soviet union reform experience ivoire seen panel data data sets
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Christiaan Grootaert Alternative spellings: Christiaan N. Grootaert B: 1950 Biblio: Lead economist am Development Research Center der Weltbank; Volkswirt
Publishing years Series Policy research working paper : WPS (11) Living Standards Measurement Study working paper (7) Policy research working paper (7) World Bank working paper (2) Directions in Development (1) LSMS working paper (1) Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems (1) Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems : LNEMS (1) Lecture notes in economics and mathematical systems : operations research, computer science, social science (1) A World Bank country study (1) SDA working paper series (1) A World Bank study (1) Policy Research Working Paper (1) Les cahiers de la Bibliothèque du développement (1) Directions in development (1) Directions in development (Washington, D.C.) (1) Peru: education and employment in the informal sector (1)