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Livernois, John R. Jones, Stephen R. G. Hoy, Michael Rees, Ray Stengos, Thanasēs Christofidēs, Loizos N. McNabb, Robert Livernois, John Sadanand, Venkatraman Rees, Ray Marsden, David All co-authors search economics bargaining verhandlungen negotiations employment wirtschaftsmathematik mathematics truth consequences enforcing standards job labour strategic market finanzmathematik umweltstandard spieltheorie arbeitsmarkt arbeitsuche unemployment insurance union offers individual inventories strike funds outcomes equilibrium rezension uncertainty auskunftspflicht strafrecht kriminalitätsökonomik arbeitslosenversicherung arbeitsmobilität arbeitskampf verhandlungstheorie lagermanagement tarifverhandlungen risiko risk pollution self reporting patterns moral hazard timing arbitration sequential dynamic model membership flows tenure canada counter mathematical introduction markets inflation modern economies male female earnings evidence australia effect outsiders contracts participation matching handbook labor ashenfelter marsden david end economic theories behaviour wage turnover simple recent developments umweltbelastung rechtsdurchsetzung umweltpolitik standardisierung standardization umweltrecht schlichtung conciliation gewerkschaftsmitgliedschaft wirtschaftswissenschaften mathematik anwendung gewerkschaft informationsökonomik
Composed terms mathematics economics truth consequences consequences enforcing enforcing pollution pollution standards job search bargaining strategic strategic search labour market mathematical finance environmental standard game theory economics mathematics unemployment insurance moral hazard search labour search inventories inventories strike strike funds funds bargaining bargaining outcomes outcomes bargaining disclosure regulation prinzipal agent theorie agency theory criminal law economics of crime labour mobility verhandlungstheorie des lohnes collective bargaining theory industrial action bargaining theory warehouse management collective bargaining economics truth standards self self reporting reporting truth standards truth standards employment employment patterns patterns unemployment insurance unemployment insurance moral hazard employment employment timing timing arbitration arbitration sequential sequential bargaining bargaining dynamic dynamic model model union union membership membership employment employment employment employment flows flows job job tenure tenure canada canada counter counter offers offers individual individual job search economics economics mathematical introduction search markets inflation modern economies male female earnings evidence australia effect outsiders union ed ashenfelter david end wage offers search 1986 1990 1988 1990 wage theory
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Chris J. McKenna Alternative spellings: Chris J. MacKenna C. J. MacKenna C. J. McKenna Chris McKenna Chris MacKenna Biblio: Lecturer in econmics, Univ. College, Cardiff (1986); Univ. of British Columbia and Univ. College, Cardiff (1988); Univ. of Guelph, Ontario (1989)
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series Discussion paper / University of British Columbia, Department of Economics (4) Discussion paper series / University of Guelph, Department of Economics (1) Working paper series / Universität München, Center for Economic Studies (1) UI impacts on worker behaviour (1)