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Motto, Roberto Christiano, Lawrence J. Altavilla, Carlo Danninger, Stephan Alesina, Alberto Smets, Frank Carboni, Giacomo Lemke, Wolfgang Ilut, Cosmin Ilut, Cosmin L. Utili, Francesca Fahr, Stephan Tristani, Oreste Saint-Guilhem, Arthur Nicoletti-Altimari, Sergio Yiangou, Jonathan Guilhem, Arthur Saint Schumacher, Julian Milesi-Ferretti, Gian Maria Perotti, Roberto Motto, Roberto Coenen, Günter Hiebert, Paul Pill, Huw Yiangou, Jonathan Halikias, Ioannis Hiebert, Paul Pérez-García, Javier Masuch, Klaus Geanakoplos, John Masuch, Klaus Christoffel, Kai Pérez, Javier J. Oreste, Tristani Fahr, Stephan Schmidt, Sebastian Prasad, Eswar S. All co-authors policy monetary model ecb geldpolitik financial shocks konjunktur rule public rate market depression area growth euro economic zinspolitik money great rates strategy banks stock crisis welfare dynamic paper eurozone central based friedman schwartz hypothesis negative policies italy economy using data volatility wage standard price zentralbank italien volatilität asset models
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Massimo Rostagno Alternative spellings: Massimo V. Rostagno Massimo Vittorio Rostagno M. Rostagno Biblio: Beschäftigt beim IMF (1998), der EZB (2004) ; Research Dep., Public Finance Div., Banca d'Italia, Roma
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series Working paper series / European Central Bank (7) NBER Working Paper (7) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (7) ECB Working Paper (6) Working paper series / European Central Bank ; Eurosystem (2) IMF working paper (2) IMF working papers (2) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-44, 1999 (1) Discussion papers / CEPR (1) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-50, 1998 (1) Serie de documentos de trabajo (1) ERID working paper (1) FRB of Cleveland Working Paper (1) IMF Working Paper, Vol. , pp. 1-45, 2001 (1) Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland working paper series (1) IMF staff country report (1)