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Plummer, Michael G. Dinopoulos, Elias Abe, Shigeyuki De Boyrie, Maria E. Syropoulos, Constantinos Sheehey, Edmund J. Officer, Lawrence H. Kmenta, Jan Ramsey, James B. Balassa, Béla A. Hamilton, Carl Warner, Dennis Balassa, Bela Martin, Stephen Cheng, Leonard K. Schmidt-Levine, Marcella Lal, Anil K. Lowinger, Thomas C. Das, Dilip K. Officer, Lawrence Howard All co-authors international policy economic außenwirtschaftspolitik integration effects commercial approach regional economics japan außenwirtschaftstheorie empirical flows effect wirtschaftsintegration asien auslandsinvestition freihandelsabkommen weltwirtschaft entwicklungsländer zahlungsbilanz asia analysis economy handelsliberalisierung handelspräferenzen wirtschaftsunion developing countries asean country european alternative american world außenhandel wohlfahrtsanalyse importquote aussenhandel wirtschaftspolitik aussenwirtschaftspolitik productivity oxford handbook rezension global
Composed terms foreign economic policy internationale wirtschaftsbeziehungen international economic relations eu staaten eu countries commercial policy regionale wirtschaftsintegration regional economic integration international economics internationale wirtschaft international economy economic integration foreign investment internationale wirtschaftspolitik international commercial international trade economics policy policy approach trade flows free trade agreement international economic policy trade liberalization trade preferences eg staaten import quotas economic policy welfare analysis wirtschaftliche integration asean staaten asean countries internationaler wettbewerb international competition nichttarifäre handelshemmnisse non tariff barriers oxford handbook handbook international effects regional empirical methods methods international developing countries free trade manufactures trade eu binnenmarkt single european market approach regional trade essays essays honor honor mordechai mordechai kreinin integration development development regionalism regionalism delivered delivered developing integration asia north america asia pacific trade agreement anticipatory effects integration case case asean financial crisis effect european bilateral trade trade wars issues commercial effects north american free trade area area australia australia new new zealand east asia effects economic relations eec africa study
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Mordechai Elihau Kreinin Alternative spellings: Max Kreinin M. E. Kreinin Mordechai E. Kreinin Mordechai Kreinin B: 1930 Biblio: Prof., tätig am Dep. of Economics, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, USA; Präsident der Internat. Trade and Finance Assoc.; tätig an der Copenhagen Business School; Wirtschaftswissenschaftler ; Wirtschaftswissenschaftler
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series Series in international business and economics (3) Reprint series (2) Edward Elgar E-Book Archive (2) Seminar paper (2) Princeton studies in international finance : publ. for International Finance Section (1) Harbrace series in business and economics (1) MSU international business and economic studies (1) Praeger special studies in international economics (1) Contributions to economic analysis (1) Oxford handbooks in economics (1) Praeger special studies in international economics and development (1) Seminar paper / Institute for International Economic Studies, University of Stockholm (1) Reprint series / Institute for International Economic Studies, University of Stockholm (1) Working paper / Centre for the Study of International Economic Relations, Department of Economics, University of Western Ontario (1) Centre for International Economic Studies (1) Series on international business and trade (1) International commercial policy (1) Princeton studies in international finance (1)