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Voß, Stefan Watson, Jean-Paul Oppen, Johan Wets, Roger J.-B. Chen, Xiaotie Oyola, Jorge Arntzen, Halvard Rubasheuski, Uladzimir Guo, Ge Hackebeil, Gabriel Ryan, Sarah M. Fan, Yingjie Danna, Emilie Greistorfer, Peter Badilla Veliz, Fernando Løkketangen, Arne Pahl, Julia Weintraub, Andres Løkketangen, Arne Höhenrieder, Martin Lee, Geun-Cheol Rios, Ignacio Schwartz, Frank Hvattum, Lars Magnus Hasle, Geir Barnett, Jason Hopp, Wallace J. Spearman, Mark L. Fink, Andreas All co-authors stochastic models optimization search planning programming supply chain integer class problems computational local introduction production research lieferkette using progressive hedging programs parametric progression libraries heuristic algorithms data based problem literature multi mixed solution scenario generation decomposition heuristics modeling computer science operations chapter heuristik pps fertigungslogistik produktionsplanung materialwirtschaft management software vehicle routing review approach solve sizing stage chance level constraints set solutions experiments objective tables evidence network interdiction logic way examples variety interdicting
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David L. Woodruff Biblio: Professor am Graduate School of Management, UC Davis, USA
Publishing years Series Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series (2) Annals of operations research (1) UC Davis Graduate School of Management Research Paper (1) SpringerLink / Bücher (1) Operations Research / Computer Science Interfaces Series (1)