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Bekaert, Geert Xing, Yuhang Liu, Jun Wei, Min Chen, Joseph Piazzesi, Monika Bhansali, Vineer Zhang, Xiaoyan Hodrick, Robert J. Schwaiger, Katharina Longstaff, Francis A. Dong, Sen Papanikolaou, Dimitris Cakici, Nusret Bali, Turan G. Timmermann, Allan Bollen, Nicolas P. B. Kristensen, Dennis Signori, Ombretta Shtauber, Assaf A. Green, Richard C. Madhavan, Ananth Narayan Tetlock, Paul C. Westerfield, Mark M. An, Byeong-Je Schwarz, Krista Sobczyk, Aleksander Hochberg, Yael V. Gorovyy, Sergiy Maddaloni, Angela Gu, Li Boivin, Jean Zhao, Rui Hodges, Philip Kaul, Karishma Briere, Marie Loo-Kung, Rudy Boyd, Stephen P. Hogan, Kedreth C. Chen, Bingxu Sundaresan, Suresh M. Nabar, Neil Brière, Marie Maddaloni, Angela Zhou, Hao Bai, Jennie Diamond, Steven Greenberg, David Chen, Linxi Parker, Tom Pauksta, Eugene Ren, He Schaefer, Stephen M. All co-authors returns market stocks rates bonds models regime asset funds portfolios time using factor model cross term kapitaleinkommen fund expected average value municipal hedge sample real premiums return stock investors low structure markets varying section systemic tax long illiquidity financial downside schätzung estimation data conditional implied short higher international portfolio evidence capm optimal equity individual variables predictability börsenkurs sovereign changes switching betas discount assets rate increases policy gdp regimes volatilities month macro option information premium estimate aversion leverage volatility curve yields
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Andrew Ang Prof. Dr. Biblio: Ph. D., Stanford Univ., 1999
Profession Economist
Affiliations BlackRock, Inc. Columbia University. School of Business Columbia University. Graduate School of Business National Bureau of Economic Research
Publishing years Series Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (35) NBER Working Paper (33) Netspar Discussion Paper (7) Georgetown McDonough School of Business Research Paper (2) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (2) Foundations and trends in finance (1) Working paper series / European Central Bank ; Eurosystem (1) Finance and economics discussion series (1) Survey and synthesis series / Financial Management Association (1) Working papers / Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania / Finance (1) CREATES research paper (1) AFA 2009 San Francisco Meetings Paper (1) AFA 2007 Chicago Meetings Paper (1) AFA 2011 Denver Meetings Paper (1) Columbia Business School Research Paper (1) Working papers / Rodney L. White Center for Financial Research (1) Discussion paper series / School of Economics and Finance, the University of Hong Kong (1)