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Bird, Richard M. Kitchen, Harry M. Tassonyi, Almos Hachard, Tomas Chattopadhyay, Rupak Youngman, Joan Tassonyi, Almos T. Philipps, Lisa Tedds, Lindsay M. Evans, Heather L. All co-authors metropolitan gemeindefinanzen property governance structure vermögensteuer cities tax taxes canada pay services gemeindesteuer kommunalverwaltung local coordination service delivery municipal paper
Composed terms local government finance wealth tax local government local tax coordination service service delivery metropolitan governance case studies metropolitan area real property tax tax reform kommunale dienstleistung local public services property taxes who pay infrastructure financing managing coordination delivery metropolitan metropolitan cities cities role role metropolitan land property fiscal relations infrastructure investment large city
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Enid Slack Dr. Alternative spellings: Naomi E. Slack N. E. Slack Naomi Enid Slack N. Enid Slack B: 1951 Biblio: Enid Slack Consulting Inc., Toronto
Profession Economist
Affiliations Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance Ontario Economic Council
Publishing years Series IMFG papers on municipal finance and governance (8) Working paper (3) IMFG perspectives (2) Rotman School of Management working paper / University of Toronto Rotman School of Management (2) World Bank Policy Research Working Paper (1) Policy Research Working Paper (1) Policy research working paper : WPS (1) Thematic issues in federalism (1) Edward Elgar E-Book Archive (1)