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Edwards, Sebastian García, Pablo García-Serrano, Carlos Grünwald, M. Carolina Restrepo L., Jorge Enrique Titelman Kardonsky, Daniel Cobb C., Marcus Sánchez Y., Andrea Córdova F., J. Felipe Caputo G., Rodrigo Albagli, E. Contreras M., Gabriela Valdés, Rodrigo O. Liendo, Felipe Herrera B., Luis Oscar Rojas Ramos, Patricio Vergara, Rodrigo All co-authors dollarized currency countries wirtschaftswachstum dollarization inflation growth währungssubstitution chile economic performance lower empirical investigation analyze non independent unions rate inflación really paper economies volatility higher volatilität strict know macroeconomic whether domestic probability country ones significantly common währungsunion wechselkurspolitik leistungsbilanz exchange monetary transmission mechanism medium sized macroeconometric model incertidumbre inflacionaria record particular faster issue using analysis estimates jointly outcome equations results suggest different technique nations makroökonometrie macroeconometrics geldpolitik regimes
Composed terms economic growth us dollar currency substitution economic performance dollarization economic empirical investigation non dollarized independent currency currency unions dollarized economies 1970 1998 strict dollarization performance empirical performance really really know paper analyze dollarized countries volatility countries countries domestic domestic currency dollarized non dollarized ones common currency monetary union exchange rate policy current account investigation currency currency empirical investigation dollarization dollarization independent unions dollarization dollarization inflation inflation growth exchange rate monetary transmission transmission mechanism mechanism chile chile medium medium sized sized macroeconometric macroeconometric model inflación incertidumbre incertidumbre inflacionaria inflacionaria chile chile la analyze macroeconomic macroeconomic record economies particular faster growth analyze issue issue using estimates jointly jointly probability probability dollarized dollarized country country outcome outcome equations different dollarized volatility significantly currency countries countries currency currency paper countries lower lower inflation growth higher higher volatility dollarized nations lower rate geldpolitische transmission growth strict growth exchange rate regimes matter inflation inflation exchange chile hard performance Índice chile dollarization
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Igal Magendzo W. Alternative spellings: Igal Magendzo I. Igal Magendzo Igal Magendzo-W. B: 1970 Biblio: Arbeitet zeitw. in den USA, Ph.D. in Econ., Univ. of Calif., Los Angeles. Tätig an der Univ. de Chile (2003); Chilen. Wirtschaftswissenschaftler
Affiliations Banco Central de Chile
Publishing years Series Documentos de trabajo / Banco Central de Chile (9) NBER Working Paper (3) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (3) Working paper (1) Serie de estudios económicos (1)