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Strahan, Philip E. Stiroh, Kevin J. Arseneau, David M. Fillat Comenge, José Luis Rime, Bertrand Mahar, Molly Heuvel, Skander van den Peristiani, Stavros C. Melzer, Brian T. Savino, Vanessa Strain, Michael R. Blickle, Kristian Lown, Cara Sue Santos, João A. C. Botsch, Matthew Ashcraft, Adam B. Klaauw, Wilbert van der Iverson, Benjamin Melzer, Brian Neubauer, Michael Pinkovskiy, Maxim Haughwout, Andrew Zer, Ilknur Shin, Chaehee Kotta, Gurubala Dennis, Benjamin N. Crosignani, Matteo Caramichael, John Brunetti, Celso McAndrews, James Joseph Samolyk, Katherine A. Black, Sandra E. Tarazi, Amine Samolyk, Kathrine Dick, Astrid A. Anagnostakos, Peter Mandel, Benjamin H. Seblani, Ihab Wang, Lili Graddy, Elizabeth Anne Meslier, Céline Hirtle, Beverly J. Mishkin, Frederic S. Jayaratne, Jith Uluc, Arzu Yang, Bryan Latif, Hasan Morgan, Ladd Gutiérrez Girault, Matías Krogh, Tord All co-authors financial states market loan bank cash lending bankruptcy payday business firms large loans commitment flow households using stress evidence findings kreditgeschäft literature new credit banking small test integration federal effects state borrowers kredit disasters stability main street constraints size low fees assets bar united information selection volatility management affected lenders higher climate program dollar monetary commitments income estimates difference depositors bankrisiko marktintegration study risks leverage adverse act subprime overdrafts policy local issues
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Donald P. Morgan Dr. Alternative spellings: Donald Patrick Morgan Donald Morgan Don Morgan
Profession Economist
Affiliations Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Publishing years Series Staff reports / Federal Reserve Bank of New York (18) FRB of New York Staff Report (11) Research working papers / Research Division, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City (5) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (2) Research paper / Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2) FEDS Working Paper (1) Economic Policy Review (1) Finance and economics discussion series (1) Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Paper Series Current Policy Perspectives Paper (1) NBER Working Paper (1) Federal Reserve Bank of New York Research Paper Series - Staff Report (1) Documentos de trabajo / Banco Central de Chile (1) Working papers / Financial Institutions Center (1)