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Bowles, Samuel Roosevelt, Frank Reich, Michael Weisskopf, Thomas E. Gordon, David M. Larudee, Mehrene Garonna, Paolo Swaim, Paul Rabenau, Gerti von Reich, Michael All co-authors kapitalismus labor understanding capitalism competition command change radical american arbeitsmarkt gewerkschaft del economy capitalist analysis society arbeitsbeziehungen economia work relations union decline unionism transformation herrschaft modernen produktionsprozeß market segmentation delle problemi anche dello della economico economici wirtschaftspolitik wirtschaftstheorie frankreich france italien italy arbeitsmarktsegmentation kontrolle betriebsorganisation arbeitspsychologie unternehmen introduzione politica dinamiche capitalismo rights employment post era forgotten link stake international economic cooperation varieties dissent galbraith political sindacato oltre crisi youth changing industrial research agenda nonunion earnings differentials private sector comparative perspective unions crisis perspectives countries segmented divided workers historical united
Composed terms understanding capitalism capitalism competition competition command command change trade union capitalist radical radical analysis analysis american american society employment relations change economy herrschaft modernen modernen produktionsprozeß labor market economic policy economic theory labour market labour market segmentation change introduzione introduzione economia economia politica politica le le dinamiche dinamiche del del capitalismo capitalismo understanding change rights rights work work employment relations post post union union era era understanding economy forgotten forgotten link link labor labor stake stake international international economic economic cooperation cooperation varieties varieties dissent dissent galbraith galbraith radical radical political political economy economy il il sindacato sindacato oltre oltre la la crisi crisi youth youth labor labor changing changing industrial industrial relations relations research research agenda agenda union union nonunion nonunion earnings earnings differentials differentials decline decline private private sector sector unionism unionism decline decline american american unionism unionism comparative comparative perspective perspective capitalist unions crisis crisis perspectives countries understanding work divided il volume volume si si propone di introdurre lo studio agli studenti del primo anno delle lauree triennali è quello
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Richard Edwards Prof. Alternative spellings: Richard C. Edwards R. Edwards B: 1944 Biblio: Prof. für Wirtschaft und Leiter des Economics Department, University of Massachusetts
Profession Economist
Affiliations University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Publishing years Series SpringerLink / Bücher (1) A twentieth century fund book (1) Lavoro italiano / 1 (1) Papers and proceedings of the ... annual meeting of the American Economic Association (1) Lexington books (1)