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Danthine, Jean-Pierre Mehra, Rajnish Kōnstantinidēs, Giōrgos Gershun, Natalia Giannoni, Marc Paolo Koulovatianos, Christos Li, Jian Siconolfi, Paolo Johnsen, Thore Giannikos, Christos Guirguis, Hany Fafaliou, Irene Smith, Lance Siconofli, Paolo Dutta, Jayasri Tzur, Joseph All co-authors equilibrium compensation mean equity business pricing capm executive financial cycle asset manager contracts income firm fdi model time aversion premium relative alternative reversion distribution returns models macroeconomic non risikoprämie average crossing child policy implications incentive stochastic economy kapitalmarkttheorie real expectations increase result schätzung estimation assets growth labor standard study shareholders self contract leistungsanreiz characterization risk based investment fluctuations leistungsentgelt risiko junior security management perspective physical literature
Composed terms overlapping generations real business cycle theorie real business cycle model risk premium average crossing crossing time child policy equity premium corporate governance real business financial economics performance incentive alternative characterization compensation contracts distribution risk allgemeines gleichgewicht general equilibrium performance pay risk equity dynamic equilibrium dynamisches gleichgewicht china child unpleasant equilibrium equilibrium implications implications executive executive incentive incentive compensation equity returns executive compensation intermediate financial business cycle equilibrium business capital income relative india financial market equity premium puzzle arbitrage pricing social security time alternative characterization mean aversion reversion demographics fdi fdi lessons lessons china delegated management state dependent risk based non falsified falsified expectations expectations equilibrium equilibrium asset asset prices cycle model shareholders hire hire self self interested compensation contract representative agent foreign investment expectation formation equilibrium model portfolio management portfolio selection corporate finance employment relations stochastisches wachstumsmodell stochastic growth model rational expectations
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John B. Donaldson Alternative spellings: John Donaldson John Brown Donaldson J. B. Donaldson J. Donaldson John Brown Donaldson B: 1948 Biblio: Amerikan. Wirtschaftswissenschaftler an der Graduate School of Business der Columbia Univ., NY (1990/2007) ; Tätig an der Bal-Ilan Univ.
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series Cahiers de recherches économiques (20) Discussion paper / Centre for Economic Policy Research (10) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (7) NBER Working Paper (5) Working paper / Institut de Gestion Bancaire et Financière, HEC, Université de Lausanne (4) Research paper series / Swiss Finance Institute (2) Cahiers de Recherches Economiques, Université de Lausanne, Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (2) FAME research paper series (2) Prentice Hall finance series (1) Discussion paper (1) CORE discussion paper : DP (1) Papers and proceedings of the ... annual congress of the European Economic Association (1) Discussion paper / Institute for Empirical Macroeconomics (1) International Seminar on Macroeconomics (1) Working papers (1) Academic press advanced finance series (1) FRB of New York Staff Report (1) NBER working paper series (1) ProQuest Ebook Central (1) SNB working papers (1) EFA 2006 Zurich Meetings (1) Staff reports / Federal Reserve Bank of New York (1) CFS working paper series (1)