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Krishna, Kala Urata, Shūjirō Kiyono, Kazuharu Shibata, Jun Shimoi, Naoki Negishi, Takashi Suzumura, Kōtarō Okuno-Fujiwara, Masahiro Findlay, Christopher Itō, Takatoshi Sonobe, Tetsushi Zeidler, Gerhard Komiya, Ryūtarō Saxonhouse, Gary R. Shimoi, Naoki Chang, Ching-hsi Moore, Thomas Gale Trewin, Ray Kiyota, Kōzō Ito, Yukiko Kiyono, Kazuharu All co-authors japan protection protectionism protektionismus japanese content distribution interactions policy international industrial oligopolistic
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Motoshige Itō Prof. Alternative spellings: M. Itoh Motoshige Itoh Itoh-Motoshige 元重 伊藤 モトシゲ イトウ 伊藤元重 イトウモトシゲ B: 1951 Biblio: Tätig an der Univ. of Tokyo, Fac. of Economics, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo, Japan
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series Pacific economic paper (3) NBER Working Paper (1) Conference paper / Research Institute of International Trade and Industry, MITI (1) Policy research working paper : WPS (1) Economic theory, econometrics, and mathematical economics (1) Fundamentals of pure and applied economics (1) Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (1) Discussion paper series / Harvard Institute of Economic Research (1)