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Beenstock, Michael Portnov, Boris A. Persky, Joseph Bar-El, Raphael Feldman, Dan Rubin, Ziv Fleischer, Aliza Carlson, Virginia L. McQuaid, Ronald Ben Zeev, Nadav Dai, Xieer Ergas, Yaron Xieer, Dai Lichter, Michal Kotsenko, Nikita Genesove, David Acs, Zoltán J. Taylor, Michael McCann, Philip Shefer, Daniel Grinberger, A. Yair All co-authors regional spatial small countries israel disparities data analysis empirical policy capital inequality evidence local economic visa development non job chains regionalökonomik regionalentwicklung measures waivers stationary panel access estimation cointegration tests employment convergence issue labor book challenges inequalities kointegration schätzung kmu sme case common multilateral resistance international econometric housing european deepening innovation
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Daniel Felsenstein Alternative spellings: Daniyel Felzenshtain Daniyel Pelzenshtain Daniʾel Felzenšṭayn Biblio: Dep. of Geography, Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
Profession Geograf
Affiliations ha-@Universịtah ha-ʿIvrit bi-Yerushalayim
Publishing years Series Advances in spatial science (3) Discussion paper / The Maurice Falk Institute for Economic Research in Israel (1) Advances in Spatial Science (1) EBSCOhost eBook Collection (1) Geojournal / Library : international journal for physical, biological and human geosciences and their application in environmental planning and ecology (1) The organisation of industrial space (1)