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Melvin, Michael Mounts, William Stewart Sowell, Clifford B. Faith, Roger L. Smyth, David J. Peseau, Dennis E. Beaulier, Scott A. Marlow, Michael L. Amacher, Ryan C. Smyth, David J. Peseau, Dennis E. All co-authors economics united macroeconomics makroökonomik principles wirtschaftstheorie managerial policy size growth profits executive compensation large corporation study largest kingdom states industrial corporations zentralbank microeconomics markets firm public
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
William J. Boyes Alternative spellings: William Boyes Biblio: Prof. für Wirtschaft am Coll. of Bus. Administration, Arizona State Univ. (1984) ; Prof. of Economics
Profession Economist