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Years of publications: 1900 - 2024

66 records from EconBiz based on author Name Information logo

1. Asian CBDCs on the rise : an in-depth analysis of developments and implications

Lee, David Kuo Chuen; Shih, Chia Mei; Zheng, Jincheng;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link Link

2. Disclosing fraud and subsidizing arbitration as a trust promoting mechanism : theory and evidence from laboratory data

Lee, David Kuo Chuen; Li, Yang; Liu, Fan; Weibiao, Xu;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link Link

3. An in-depth guide to cross-chain protocols under a multi-chain world

Zheng, Jincheng; Lee, David Kuo Chuen; Qian, Dejun;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link Link

4. Voting schemes in DAO governance

Ding, Qinxu; Weibiao, Xu; Wang, Zhiguo; Lee, David Kuo Chuen;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link Link

5. Inclusive disruption : digital capitalism, deep technology and trade disputes


"Inclusive Disruption serves as a primary guide to help readers understand what financial technology is and how it has evolved to change the future financial landscape. The central ideas of fintech are explained in details, with topics ranging from distributed innovation, inclusive blockchain to decentralised inclusive technologies. The book also gathers the views of key opinion leaders and cutting-edge practitioners who are at the forefront of fintech development. Therefore, it not only presents useful insights about financial technology but also represents an invaluable source of knowledge for readers who are interested in fintech."

Lee, David Kuo Chuen; Low, Linda; Lim, Joseph Young Sain; Shih, Chia Mei;

6. Handbook of digital currency : bitcoin, innovation, financial instruments, and Big Data

Lee, David Kuo Chuen;
Type: Aufsatzsammlung; Beiträge ; Einzelbeiträge; Sammelwerk ; Handbuch; Handbook;

7. Editorial note: welcome to the annual review of Fintech

Lee, David Kuo Chuen; Liebau, Daniel; Deng, Xin;
Type: Aufsatz in Zeitschrift; Article in journal;
Availability: Link Link

8. A Global Perspective on Central Bank Digital Currency


This paper discusses the key considerations of CBDC design to balance benefits and risks and presents best practices in CBDC design from a global perspective. Using China's CBDC as an illustration, this paper discusses two-tier or multi-tier ledger design and proposes ten enablers of mass adoption and successful implementation. This proposed design allows central banks to manage the process flow, focus on the monitoring and control, without bearing all the load or exposing to over-centralized risks. It concludes that CBDC will be the primary tool in the future digital economy, and countries that are conversant with the technology will have a competitive advantage. Learning from the implementation, continuously reviewing the existing regulation, and improvising whenever international dynamics change the landscape are vital attributes of a successful implementation

Lee, David Kuo Chuen; Yan, Li; Wang, Yu;
Availability: Link

9. Blockchain Use Cases for Inclusive FinTech : Scalability, Privacy, and Trust Distribution


Few blockchain centric projects have gone beyond their white paper or proofs-of-concept. While many have fallen below expectations and failed to address the fundamental issues of scalability, privacy, and trust distribution, there are a few “imperfect” projects that are making an impact on society. We describe the lessons learned from three projects and highlight their “improvisions” in achieving their vision of serving the underserved, and identify areas of possible improvements. Our research has shown that mass adoption of blockchain technology will accelerate in financial industry and supply chain with private permissioned blockchains, but these e-inclusion projects using “Inclusive” Blockchain will take a longer time with OnChain/OffChain complexities. A long-term view is needed to build a Noah's Ark as the rush to build the Tower of Babel to harness short term gain may not bring net benefits to the economy and society

Lee, David Kuo Chuen; Lim, Caroline Seow Ling;
Availability: Link Link
Citations: 1 (based on OpenCitations)

10. Inclusive FinTech : Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and ICO


This is the preface to the book and giving an account of the rise of Satoshism, Chinese Finance, ASEAN Financial Inclusion and Decentralised FinTech

Lee, David Kuo Chuen;
Availability: Link

The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata

Luis Rosero Bixby

Alternative spellings:
Luis Rosero-Bixby
Luis Rosero B.
Luis Rosero Bixby
Luis Rosero

Biblio: Centro Centroamericano de Polacíon, Universidad de Costa Rica, San José


  • Economist
  • Gesundheitsökonom
  • Affiliations

  • Universidad de Costa Rica
  • External links

  • Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) im Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
  • Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID)
  • Bibliothèque nationale de France
  • NACO Authority File
  • Virtual International Authority File (VIAF)
  • Wikidata
  • International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI)

  • Google Scholar logo Google Scholar
    ORCID logo ORCID

    Publishing years



    1. NBER Working Paper (1)
    2. Serie población y desarrollo (1)
    3. Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (1)