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Room, Graham Oorschot, Wim van Peeters, Hans Boos, Kees D'Haeseleer, Steven Deleeck, Herman Cantillon, Béa Dirven, Henk-Jan Strerath-Bolz, Ulrike Henningsen, Bernd All co-authors social security armut poverty sozialpolitik european europa europe essays honour globalization ageing financing armutsbekämpfung globalisierung sozialreform sozialstaat invisible revisited jos berghman open method coordination model globalisation low income countries case côte ivoire heading future cohesion transition policy wiederaufleben kampf ausgrenzung herausforderung soziale sicherheit face herman deleeck population member states council consequences provisions especially old age pensions health services insecurity subsistence relative deprivation netherlands europäischen gemeinschaft new community altersvorsorge elfenbeinküste entwicklungsländer mitgliedsstaaten sozialversicherungsrecht kongress produktivität productivity bevölkerungsstruktur niederlande
Composed terms social security soziale sicherheit eu staaten eu countries social policy essays honour poverty reduction welfare reform welfare state invisible social security revisited revisited essays honour jos jos berghman berghman open open method method coordination coordination european european social social model model globalisation globalisation social security low low income income countries countries case case côte côte ivoire ivoire heading heading future future social security social social cohesion cohesion social security transition transition globalization globalization social policy wiederaufleben wiederaufleben armut armut kampf kampf ausgrenzung ausgrenzung herausforderung herausforderung soziale sicherheit europa europa european european face face social security essays honour herman herman deleeck deleeck ageing ageing social security financing financing ageing ageing population population member member states states council council europe europe consequences consequences financing financing social security provisions provisions especially especially old old age age pensions pensions health health services services poverty poverty insecurity insecurity subsistence subsistence relative relative deprivation deprivation netherlands netherlands armut armut europäischen gemeinschaft new new poverty european community Öffentliche sozialleistungen cote d ivoire 1986 1988
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Jos Berghman Prof. Dr. Alternative spellings: J. Berghman J. A. M. Berghman Jos A. M. Berghman Biblio: Univ. Tilburg
Profession Economist
Publishing years Series Reeks sociale zekerheidswetenschap / Rapporten (2) Studies in employment and social policy (1) The social dimension of the single European market (1)