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Dehejia, Rajeev H. Malamud, Ofer Samii, Cyrus Mitrut, Andreea Jordan, Andrew Aaronson, Daniel Urquiola Soux, Miguel Schulze, Karl Ainsworth, Robert Hjalmarsson, Randi López-de-Silanes, Florencio Gallego, Francisco A. Shleifer, Andrei La Porta, Rafael Kopczuk, Wojciech Habyarimana, James Paul Zivin, Joshua S. Graff Goldstein, Markus P. Bisbee, James Kim, Hyuncheol Bryant Kim, Booyuel Urquiola, Miguel S. Thirumurthy, Harsha Mbakile, Bekezela Sanbonmatsu, Lisa Jung, Jaehyun Fortson, Jane G. Bisbee, James Malamud, Ofer All co-authors effect labor households value added evidence data countries romania beliefs rumänien effects schools supply fertility
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The information on the author is retrieved from: Entity Facts (by DNB = German National Library data service), DBPedia and Wikidata
Christian Pop-Eleches Alternative spellings: Cristian Pop-Eleches Biblio: BREAD ; Harvard University 2003
Profession Economist
Affiliations National Bureau of Economic Research Columbia University. Department of Economics
Publishing years Series Working paper / National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. (14) NBER Working Paper (10) NBER working paper series (5) Working paper series / The Harris School, Public Policy, University of Chicago (4) Discussion paper series / IZA (3) IZA Discussion Paper (2) KDI School working paper series (2) CESifo Working Paper Series (1) Working papers in economics (1) NYU Wagner Research Paper (1) FRB of Chicago Working Paper (1) Working papers / Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (1) CESifo working papers (1) Discussion papers / CEPR (1) Documento de trabajo (1)